The thought made me giggle lamely.

Suddenly a thought hit me. If I wanted to go to the moon, surely I had to go to the highest location I knew, then i could fly the rest of the way! My mind set to work, trying to figure out where the highest place I knew was. I was so smart! I could do two things at once! But first, I gotta to think of places that are really high.

On top of my bed?

No. That wasn’t high enough.

How about the roof of the trailer?

No, still not high enough. I groaned, why couldn’t I think of the answer? I grilled my brain, scouring it for an answer.

Suddenly the answer crashed into me, and I giggled giddily at my stupidity. How could I not have seen it before? If I wanted to go to the moon, I would have to build a rocket! Obviously, I had to go to the shops! Stupid Alex!

My warped vision didn’t tell me where I was going, so I would just have to hope I was going the right way. I was pretty sure my ‘Spidey’ instincts would lead me there. The thought made a grin split my face wide open in a guffawing laugh.

 I stumbled forward, but felt myself falling over. To make up for this, I tilted in the opposite direction, determined to stay upright. But then the next thing I knew, the ground was rushing up to meet my face, and I welcomed it.

Bam! I groaned at the impact, but didn’t move despite the gravel biting into my cheek. Despite the fact that my stomach was panging with hunger. Despite the fact that I was lying in a ditch on the side of a road in a ‘druggy’ area.  My mind was too fuddled to think clearly, but I suddenly felt too drowsy to keep my eyes open. So when they went dark, my mind, too, went dark.

~ ~ ~ ~

And that’s how I awoke in the mouth of an alley way, after passing out who new how many hours earlier.

My head felt as if it had been shoved into a brick wall repeatedly, and with every thump I felt like my blood was carrying molten lead around my body. Everything ached, and I couldn’t make myself move for a few minutes, despite the gravel cutting into my cheek. Even the stiffness in my neck couldn’t make me move.

At long last, my eyes flicked open lethargically after a long time of coaxing. Their gaze lingered on the road ahead for a moment, awaiting to adjust to the glary grey light. A black car drove past, spraying me with ground up asphalt.

I forced my arms to push myself up, but a wave of nausea possessed me, seizing control of my frail, emaciated body. I dry retched uncontrollably until my body decided I had no contents to dispose of. The sun peaked out of a cloud, blinding me due to its phosphorescence. 

I attempted to sit up again, and finally managed, but not after every muscle used revolted against me in throe. Managing to stand, I placed a shaking hand on the concrete wall of a warehouse to steady me. The skin of my hand was cut by the coarse finish.

Every tendon ached, but I forced myself to walk. I wasn’t entirely sure where I was, but I stumbled on, trying regain some inner strength. Glaring out at everything and nothing, I used the wall as a support for the next fifty meters, walking along the buildings.

At last I recognized where I was- i was in the back streets behind the strip of shops. Good, at least I would be able to buy something to eat. I paused, unsure of the time. I pulled out my iPod in attempt to answer my uncertainty. However, this was all for nothing as the cracked screen didn’t illuminate when I pressed the button. Great, it was dead.

So, I walked slowly towards where I presumed the front of the cafe would be. I presumed correctly, but it was hard to tell as the corner of my vision was curved. This not only threw off my balance, but made me feel as if I was on some sort of terrible high.

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