Chapter 25: Home.

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~Meet Me under the Stars~

~Chapter 25~

~Desiree’s P.O.V~

I woke up the next morning feeling arms wrapped around me and someone pressed against me, I scanned the room to see it was seven am. Clothes were thrown all over the floor and Austin had his arm over my chest and his head rested on the back of my neck. My body was sore but in a good way “Austin” I whispered. He pulled me closer and I felt everything and I mean everything as he groaned “Austin, wakeup” I whispered again

I felt him move his head “it’s too early” his tired voice was seriously sexy “it’s seven am, dude we had a two hour sleep”

“Yeah and we got in at three” I said “come on, we have to pack or we may miss our flight home” I said getting up. I put my bra and shorts back on and looked at him. Grabbing the pillow and hitting him with it “hey wakeup or I may never need that D again” I laughed as he shot up from where he was lying

“You and your smartness” he smiled at me “so did you like the D last night?” he asked sliding his boxers on with his skinny jeans not far behind.

I nodded “yes, the D was amazing and left me sore but in a good way”

“Oh man, I’m sorry” he said looking at me as if he was hurt.

He was so sweet “no honey, don’t be sorry” I said rubbing his arm “now come on get dressed” I kissed him as I left the room into the bathroom brushing my teeth. I felt an arm on my shoulder and I looked to see Austin smiling, he had no shirt on and skinny jeans “I swear you touch me a lot” I giggled while spitting out the tooth paste.

“Is that a bad thing?” he asked beginning to brush his teeth.

I shook my head “no of course not, just have to remember you are twenty five and I am nineteen, people will be a bit suspicious” I said throwing clothes in my suit case and closing it “I got the key to your room, just meet me there when you’re done I will pack your stuff” I said walking off.

“Okay” he called back at me as I walked out the room with my suit case.

Once I got to Austin’s room I unlocked the door and walked to his room and found his suitcase already packed “that’s weird” I whispered. I saw there was a note on it, I grabbed it and read it.

Check your phone handsome, good to see you again xoxo LOVE G

I looked on the nightstand and saw his IPhone grabbing it seeing he had five texts and three missed calls. All by this girl; I unlocked his phone and went into his texts god I felt like a bad person right now. Looking at the text feeling my heart drop when I realised who it was from


Gielle: hey, it was great seeing you before Alan’s wedding

Gielle: When you’re home, phone me I miss your xxxx

Gielle: Austin I love you I think we should talk xoxo

Gielle: Austin? Honey phone me.

Gielle: Austin when we met up two weeks ago…. Well um I think I’m pregnant.

I felt anger rush through me and I just put his phone in his bad leaving the texts open. Was he cheating on me? “Hey” I looked up to see Austin “you ready?” he asked

“Yeah” I grabbed my bag and pushed past him. I couldn’t look at him right now, I spilt my heart out for him and this is what I get? He is just as bad as Tyler was.

We both sat at the airport waiting for the plane and he was writing some music as I sat there in confusion trying to get things straight in my head but my head had its demons whispering back at me telling me I was wrong and I was stupid for letting him try to even help me, I should have just drowned myself that night. The plane was boarding and we both got on I sat beside the window and Austin sat beside me “Dez, why aren’t you talking?” he asked looking at me.

“I’m just tired” I responded closing my eyes and guessing I was more tired than I thought I was. From everything going on I was in a nightmare not able to escape.


I was running from him my dad and I could hear Austin calling out to me. I wanted to follow the voice but whenever I thought I was getting close turns out I was just getting further away and sounded like my father was just getting closer.

“Run” I yelled out to myself as I turned down an alley feeling the water beneath my feet from the rain my heart racing faster every second. I looked down to see I was in what looked like a wedding dress and bare feet. I heard Austin chuckling and turned into a building to see him and Gielle holding a baby he looked at me and smiled then kissing her.

I ran through the kitchen and out the back door, hearing the sinister laugh I looked back finding myself falling into the pool “oh sweet Desiree” I heard my dad’s voice sing. I got out of the pool and ran out the gate running down the alley only finding myself trapped; there was my dad and Tyler he smiled at me as he stepped forward looking at my dad “finish her” my dad said

I woke up gasping for air and gripping onto something, I turned to see Austin looking at me worriedly “Dez, what happened?” he asked as I held his hand tightly still trying to breathe “shhh honey, were almost there calm down, you can tell me” he whispered looking at me.

“Just my dad trying to kill me in my dream” I mumbled leaving out the him and Gielle part as I was too fragile at the moment to even think the fact she texted him saying she thinks she is pregnant. She knows I love him and now she wants him back even after all she has done to him? That was so hard to think.

~A few hours later~

It was ten AM now, Austin and I had been sitting at the table he was munching away on some bacon and I sat there sipping hot chocolate “okay, so you been acting weird since you went into my room. What happened?” he asked

“Nothing” I grumbled

“No, something happened now tell me, I have the right to know”

A sigh left my lips “I think you already know”

Austin put his food down looking at me “what’s that supposed to mean?” Austin said

Oh for love of god just tell him “Austin I know about you and Gielle, she left a note saying check your phone and now in the last text she is telling her you need to talk because she thinks she’s pregnant! Austin I don’t know about you but if that happened to you, you would be un-easy to even look the other person in the eyes but I am because I love you” I felt my eyes tear up “I love you so much that when I found out I actually thought I shouldn’t have let you helped me and I should have drowned that night we met” I got up and went upstairs into mine and Austin’s room. I closed the door sinking down into the bed afterwards just letting the tears leave my eyes.

I was trying to not make much noise as I was a wreck at the minute, one sob left my lips and I heard footsteps up the stairs and the door open. Austin wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest “Desiree, I’m sorry. Gielle has been meeting up with me but we haven’t been doing anything all I would talk to her about is you and how I love you, honey she means nothing to me because you mean everything to me” he kissed my head and we sat there for a few minutes.

When he goes for tour I have no idea what on earth I am going to do.

Meet Me Under The Stars (Austin Carlile/ Of mice & men)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant