Chapter 12: Welcome to horror

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~Meet Me Under The Stars~

~Chapter 12~

~Desiree's P.O.V~

~five months up~

I sat in my work shattered, I reeked of whiskey and I would break down ever now and then, I haven't slept well since then either, "Desiree, go home, I will cover your shift" my boss said kindly, she was like a mother to me when I needed it

I nodded and grabbed my bag, I walked down the street and looked at my phone to see I had a text, but I was that drained I couldn't be bothered looking at it.

When I had reached my house I had seen Sam's car was gone, he must be out baby shopping with Lydia, they live here now and apparently Lydia's family is finding a place, fuck my life more than its already been fucked with. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door opening it and heading to my room, Sam asked if I was willing to go to the basement but I was going there anyways, I plan on dying down there. I slumped down on my messy bed and felt my eyes sting with tears, sadly all these tears were for Austin, it's his fault I'm a wreck

When you love something so much and they do that to you and get out of their life when they ask to help you, it isn't easy. Sam doesn't know though. And when you're that Hurt you do stupid things, even if it hurt you before.

I glanced over at the little thing that sat on my nightstand, the thing that would take away my pain without a trouble to it.

I picked up my blade and smiled at it, a weak smile

Slowly I lifted my shirt and it revealed my side, the place where I had been taking everything out on, I pulled down my leggings a little and dragged the blade down, I watched as the blood trickled down my side and I admired it. Something in the way it felt, it made it feel good, Gran and Sam set me back on my pills for my depression, it was just like when I was little. Sam thinks its just stress that put me into this, but Gran, she knows exactly who and what it is.

Austin's voice played in my head a thousand times making me burst into tears, from when he went 'I want to help you', 'it's okay' and right to 'I'm so sick of your kind, get the fuck out of my life'

He wanted me right of out his? He got his wish.

I pulled up my sleeve and out it close to my vein, my heart racing as I was ready to yank down on the thing holding me back from death, I had Sorry You're Not A Winner playing in my head

Scratch card glory

Waist Low pleasure

Black eyes nose bleed, don't look back now

Lyrics and pain spun in my head making me feel like I wanted to scream more than I already did

This is it, I'm done... I'm tired of holding up thinking something will come along, I'm done. That done that it isn't even funny! This is the end, end of everything

End of me.

I grabbed my blade and pushed it deep down into me and cut watching blood as it poured out, I felt weak and voices and images filled my head as I fell


~Alan's P.O.V~


"Thanks for picking me up, Sam" I said as my cousin had started driving from the airport, I was excited to see Jordan and Dez again

"Don't mention it! Man I missed you, I'm also kind of glad you're here" he sighed out,

I looked at him as his face looked pale, like the pale it was on Christmas that one year. "Dude, what's wrong?" I asked, he haunts had that expression on his face since his parents incident.

Meet Me Under The Stars (Austin Carlile/ Of mice & men)Where stories live. Discover now