Chapter 6: Nightmare

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~Meet Me Under The Stars~

~Chapter 6~

~Desiree's P.O.V~


I woke up the next day from the party the boys had, I say up to see I wasn't in my bed. I was in someone else's

Panic struck and I jumped put and looked down. Thank god I was fully dressed in what I had on yesterday

"Look who's finally up" a voice chuckled

I jumped and turned to see Alan, I smirked. "Austin went to his dads and he didn't want to wake you so he told me to stay here" he smiled

"Did I drunk last night?!" I asked, I couldn't remember anything from the night

Alan laughed "no don't worry, you didn't drink. You did pass out though" he said, Alan sat down beside me on the bed and looked at me. "how you feeling,"

I smirked and he out his hand in mine for support. "A bit scared, Alan I can't remember last night but I can remember yesterday" I blurted out. Alan's face dropped and nodded

"Shouldn't we tell Sam?"

"NO!" I said, "I mean no" Alan sighed and I looked at him. "don't do that to me, Lan his fiancé is pregnant, they're in new your and we're here. If he knew, he would flip, and not only on Tyler" I said

"You called me Lan" he cooed

"Shut up! And don't get use to it either! Don't think your on my good side either" I said, he nodded and Austin walked in

Austin stopped, "am I disturbing something?!" he asked while going to back up but I shot out of the spot I was in and shook my head. Did he think I was going to make out with my cousin


"No! Gross dude!" Alan said while shooting up, I looked at him and rolled my eyes "I'm gonna go, I have a girl to meet" he winked and walked out

Okay again


I looked at Austin and he smiled "again I'm sorry about yesterday with your dad, I was worked up and the whole Tyler thing"

He chuckled and held my hand while taking me downstairs "don't worry about it, I just said you did not have a good day and he nodded. Are you hungry?" he asked

To be honest yes, but I shook my head no, Austin raised an eyebrow and my stomach growled. "You are so hungry!" he said, I rolled my eyes

"Okay maybe a little, but don't worry I can eat when I get home" I said while brushing my hair with my fingers.

Austin kindly handed me a brush and I smiled a thankful smile "I am making pan cakes, if you like it or not. You need food" he smiled, he leant down and kissed my cheek, my cheeks flared and I smiled

He just kissed my cheek! Austin fucking Carlile just kissed my cheek!

"But I'm no-"

"You're eating" he cut me off while going to the door, I pouted "now get washed up" he smiled

A giggle left my lips, "what ever you say dad" I walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

I turned the water on and washed the smudged makeup off me and my hands, when I finished that I fixed my hair so my fringe was covering my eye

I left the bathroom and walked down the hall, Austin was humming in the kitchen.

You know I never actually got a good look at this place, maybe I could take a quick look. I walked down the hall and saw a door, I opened it and it led to a basement. It was dark down there, and I had a small fear of basements.

Meet Me Under The Stars (Austin Carlile/ Of mice & men)Where stories live. Discover now