Chapter 15: Under the water

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~Meet Me under the Stars~

~Chapter 15~

~Desiree’s P.O.V~

It’s been two weeks since Jordan had Ivy and one week since Lydia had Jake. They named it after her dad, which I guess was sweet. But tonight will not be sweet; oh no I was stuck with that little devil because Lydia is complaining her and Sam need a break from parenting. Fuck sake not even two weeks and she already needs a break like why have a kid if you’ll never have the time for it?

 I sat in my room reading as I just got back from work, Lydia and Sam were getting ready and Alan was getting Ivy ready to take home. He was attached to that baby I swear, Austin hasn’t been around since the babies were born. I would text him but he never replied. Tilly and I were alright again just a little edgy but at least we are talking again.

My phone went off and I narrowed my eyes to see I had a text I grabbed my phone and unlocked the screen and opened the message, it was from Sam

Sam: We are leaving in two, come up stairs and get Jake xxx

Ugh here we go with hell. I pulled myself off my bed mentally groaning as I could feel the effort draining from my bones I walked up the stairs and opened the door. Sam was holding Jake and I sighed “he isn’t even two weeks old and you guys are leaving him”

“We worked hard” Lydia said

I held Jake and looked at her “you seem in a rush to go out, usually a mother is very slow trying to get out the door and does not leave her child when they’re not even two weeks old!” I protested

Sam helped Lydia put her coat on and looked at me “Dez you don’t understand how hard it is for me to leave Jake” Lydia fake cried. Ugh she was so annoying

“Way to go Desiree” Sam hissed “come on Lydia it’ll be okay” he helped her out the door; I rolled my eyes and went to the living room with Jake. Luckily he was asleep which was good, I laid him carefully onto a huge pillow and sat beside him. I had to finish some course work so I couldn’t risk him crying right now.

Sam and Lydia left and I sat working on homework “who is my little Ivy” I looked up at Alan as he wrapped Ivy in a blanket –nicely of course- to take home


“Yeah?” he looked at me

I chuckled a bit writing some of my homework “you’re turning into a girl” he rolled his eyes and waved as she left. Guess he wanted to take her out or home, “back to homework” I muttered under my breathe

The door swung open and Alan walked in again “forgot my keys” Alan said “so how do you feel babysitting?” he sat Ivy’s carrier on the table and smiled at her

He gave her those childish faces and he spoke in a very petit baby voice while speaking to her “they had the baby for one fucking week and I am already dumped with it”

“Don’t swear in front of the baby” he said covering Ivy’s tiny ears, he looked at Ivy and his face lit up “who is my little Ivy-wivey” really Alan, really? “Did Auntie Desiree swear, should Alan get Austin to put her in the corner, yeah? Yeah?” he chuckled and I looked him like Alan she doesn’t understand you and if she did she is so going to kill you when she is older

“No it’s true, like they knew I had exams coming up and they just leave Jake with me, like I am nineteen I need to be set out and it isn’t fair. So now people at my college will think I had a kid and I can’t have that can I?”

Alan sighed “I know, it’s just for tonight then tomorrow I will talk to Sam, okay kiddo? I have to get Ivy home just try to keep Jake asleep and you’ll survive” he hugged me and then walked out leaving me in silence

Meet Me Under The Stars (Austin Carlile/ Of mice & men)Where stories live. Discover now