Chapter 21: Plans and dreams

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~Meet me under the Stars~

~Chapter 20~

~Desiree’s P.O.V~

“What?!” I said as I stood up I could feel the colour drain from my face

Sam shook his head “I-I mean I spoke to your gran she doesn’t want you worrying. Now about that charge I will um be going now”

“Please” Sam said leaving the room with him slamming it once the police man left.

I walked to Sam and looked at him “mom and dad are alive?!” I screamed “and you didn’t think to tell me I’m in this family to you know!” I screamed at him feeling so much anger rushing through me. My own brother, lying to me about something like this.

“Dez they’re not alive” he said

“You don’t know; want to know why because you left this family many years ago”

“You know what Desiree” he growled getting frustrated

I crossed my arms “what Samuel” I said, I could tell Austin was shocked

Sam looked at me and got closer so we were close “I was the one who carried you out that house when I saw dad do that to you, you were out fucking cold! I ran to the alley you hang out in and cradled you while hiding in a fucking dumpster a dumpster, Desiree, they looked down that alley screaming for us so many times but never found us, you didn’t recover for two fucking days after I phone Gran and Granddad you don’t know how much screaming there was between Gran and mom but that Christmas is when we were going to see them again properly see them and they blew it didn’t they because Karma got them before I did” he growled.

I was shocked absolutely stunned I didn’t know what to say I had no words I had no idea maybe that is why I couldn’t remember anything? Because I had been out cold; and here I am blaming my own brother “Sammy I am so sorry” I said as I backed away “I just- I just want to know this stuff I know mom and dad were jerks but I want to know Sam” I felt my eyes burn “I was their kid too don’t I deserve to know what happened I mean yeah you and Gran want to keep it from me but I need to know I mean what happens when I have kids and they ask me what our parents done what do I tell them Sam? I can’t because I don’t even know and do you know how angry that makes me not knowing who my parents are?  It’s- it’s just crap!” he nodded

“I know”

“No I don’t think you do know, you say you do but hey my boss who isn’t even blood related to me knows who I am and what I do she gotten that used to me being harm that she tells me to have so many days off yet still pays me you figure that out” I said feeling ill in my head.

~Jordan’s P.O.V~

I was over the moon! In six months’ time I was going to have a husband and a perfect family I had a wonderful daughter whom Alan already spoils. But he was just perfect he wasn’t like the other guys where they were jerks or the ones who didn’t take the responsibility but Alan will admit when he did something wrong and actually never lied and now I got to marry that man.

“So when are we having the wedding?” Alan giggled walking out of Ivy’s room with a smile on his face, damn that smile.

I shrugged “well we could have it in nine months I mean Ivy will be eating yogurt by then so we could do that” I suggested

“Nine months it is, get planning Mrs Ashby” he winked walking down the hall into the kitchen. I could feel my cheeks heated up and I smiled walking into the living room folding some of Ivy’s clothing and of course Alan’s. His voice was singing in the kitchen as he made food “hey-ho hey-ho oh where did the peanut butter go? Hey-he hey-he off to the celery hey-ho hey-ho got peanut butter to go hey-he hey-he it’s time for this yummy” he sang as he walked out with food.

“Have fun?” I looked at him I heard Ivy crying and Alan bolted out of the room and into her room. Yeah he was so going to be an over protective father but that was cute he walked back out with Ivy curled up in his arms, he lied down on one of the two sofa’s with her on his chest “I will go put your food in the fridge” I whispered getting up with his plate and walking into the kitchen, only when I walked out I found a sleeping Alan with Ivy fast asleep on his chest, he had his hands on her tiny back keeping her warm. I awww’d and covered them with a blanket. He was the best dad ever.

~Desiree’s P.O.V~

I sat in work reading as well I didn’t want to skip work, I had cleaned my needing to be re-dyed hair and put my usual makeup on. “Desiree?” my boss called I looked up at her “are you sure you don’t want the day off I mean with all the stuff going on?” she asked

I shook my head “nope, I am fine I can work I mean I can sort all of it later on right now I just need a breather from everyone in that place, even Austin” I frowned. I missed him like crazy it felt weird not having him near like as if something bad was going to walk in.

“Hello I am looking for Desiree Jones?” a man asked.

“I am her, hello what can I help you with?” I asked

“I’m here to kill you” he smiled grabbing me making fear flash before me


I shot up sweating gasping for air and I looked around to see I was in my living room oh thank god “Dez?” I jumped at the voice.

“Austin, oh sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep” I said running my hand through my hair

He put his hand on my back “you okay, did you have a bad dream?” he seemed so worried and I felt safer around him like I could just curl into him and everything would be alright. I curled into him and he put the blanket over us both.

“It’s okay, I’m okay the dream isn’t real it’s fine” I smirked as I looked up at him.

He kept looking from my eyes to my lips “remember that night” he said keeping his voice low “I was so mad at you that day and when I saw you so broken I felt so bad like I just broke you more and then when we-you know- I felt like everything was coming together like you and I were a lot closer” I giggled at that as I heard that so wrong “no not like that, I mean like from the day we met at the party you made me feel like I wanted something so much more when I hated to so much before”

“To sleep with a girl”

“Not any girl”

“What do you mean?”

“A girl I actually love” he said “Gielle never made me feel like that and she is the one who took my virginity but when I took yours I felt amazing and like you were going to be so nice to me and not hate or blame me for anything” he smiled as he kissed me I kissed him back and smiled.

Austin was just the guy I needed and I couldn’t have had a good time without him.

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