23: Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer

Start from the beginning

"You don't get to talk about him, not after everything you put us through," Frank seethed, stepping back a pace so Gerard was directly behind him, blocking him from Lucifer's line of sight completely, thanking the angle of their position which was helping hide Gerard as long as Lucifer didn't take to the air.

"I should have known that God would be able to find a way around the final death," Lucifer shrugged indifferently, completely ignoring the fact that Frank had spoken. "Still - we had some fun, and he's alive, so no hard feelings right?"

"Fuck you," Frank spat venomously, his body visibly trembling as a sudden surge of rage had him seeing red for a split second, only Gerard's tight hold on his arm keeping him in place, otherwise he would have launched himself straight at Lucifer, consequences be damned.

"Get to the point Lucifer," Brendon cut in sharply, attempting to represent the voice of reason before this meeting turned into a bloodbath. "We don't have time for these petty squabbles, the Leviathan could wake up at any moment, so say your piece or leave us be."

"So impatient," Lucifer chuckled, making a point of idly observing his nails like the world wasn't on the brink of destruction, "and if you are too dense to figure it out, I've come to offer my help of course, why else would I be here?"

"Why...what's in it for you?" Brendon queried, his eyebrows pulling down in confusion as he tried to decipher if Lucifer was fucking with them or not.

"Oh use your brain for a moment," Lucifer sighed dramatically, waving his hands around widely as he explained himself. "As much as I love a good dose of mayhem, the Leviathan is as much of a threat to me as he is to you. If you are unable to defeat the creature, it will wreak havoc on the world, humanity most likely won't survive, and then where will I get my souls from? Hell will founder without new demons, and I'm not fond of that idea."

"We don't need you," Frank cut in, unwilling to even consider working with someone as despicable as Lucifer. "We have everything under control, and a few more demons won't tip the scales much either way."

"I wouldn't be so hasty Frank, your borders are looking a bit thin, and you have to consider the fact that it's not only the Leviathan you will be contending with. Its movements will surely bring a horde of wyrens to the surface as well, and my demons are quite skilled in the ways of killing them since I was their original creator, meaning I know all of their weak spots as well."

"Even if you are right, we can't trust you, and I don't have any spare troops that can watch you to make sure that you don't attempt to betray us," Brendon argued back, but Frank could hear the slight waver in his voice which meant he wasn't entirely certain that he was making the right decision. Frank hadn't even considered the wyrens and whatever else the Leviathan would bring with it, and he was becoming aware of the fact that they weren't nearly as prepared for this battle as they thought.

"Believe me, we won't even get near you. I for one don't want to lose any of my demons to the Leviathan, so we will hang back at the borders of the beach while you focus on the beast."

"Well..." Brendon paused for a moment, shooting Frank and Bob a questioning look to which Frank simply shrugged in return. Lucifer did have a valid point, and if he kept his word, his demons could change the outcome of this confrontation in their favor, but that was a very big if.

"I'm not doing this for you if that helps make up your mind, it's for the good of Hell, and if there is one thing I care about, it is that humanity survives so I can harvest their souls," Lucifer added on, and his reasoning did make sense. He gained nothing by being here, if anything, he was placing himself and his demons in danger. If he had wanted to truly attack them, he could have waited until after the fight with the Leviathan and picked them off when they were weak and exhausted, but he hadn't, and even though Frank never thought he would be siding on Lucifer with anything, his mouth was moving before he had time to process the words escaping his lips.

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now