22: Frank Explains How He Got His First Boner As An Angel

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It seemed to Frank that he had barely shut his eyes before he was being shaken back into consciousness again, but that was becoming a routine for him with each day that passed after he and Gerard had reclaimed Michael's sword, so instead of being disgruntled like he usually would be, he had grown used to this.

Every hour seemed to drag on into eons now that there was nothing to do but wait for the Leviathan to show signs of awakening, and although Frank kept himself as busy as he could, there was always periods of downtime in which he had nothing to do besides dwell in his thoughts.

Frank spent most of these occasions with Gerard, knowing his husband needed the company and distraction maybe even more than he did. They were both afraid - so terribly afraid, but neither of them truly wanted to focus on that fear since there was little they could do to alleviate it.

Both of them could tell when it became too much though, and that was when Frank would suggest they go flying for a bit, or they would retire to their room to bury their anxiety in each other's skin, and it worked - mostly.

The nights were the worst for Frank, especially when Gerard would fall asleep, which he typically did first. Frank's body was finally becoming acclimated to its angel nature, so he no longer craved rest like he used to, and with his emotions so on edge, it was hard to calm himself enough to allow his body to shut down for a few hours.

But those painful hours with nothing besides his thoughts were coming to an end, because along with the gentle hand that was gripping Frank's shoulder as his eyes blinked open was Brendon's familiar voicing whispering the sentence Frank and been both anticipating and dreading.

"It's time."

Frank simply nodded in response instead of burying back under the blankets with a complaint on the tip of his tongue like he would have a few weeks ago, because this is what he had been waiting for, and as nervous as he was about actually facing the Leviathan, it was almost a relief to finally be able to do something about it instead of twiddling his thumbs while the world fell apart around them.

Frank shook Gerard awake gently once Brendon had left, and for once, Gerard awoke easily, as if he somehow knew how important today was even in his unconscious state. His eyes went wide when Frank explained to him what was happening in a hushed whisper, but besides that, he showed no visible signs of fear.

They both dressed quickly in the clothing they had already set aside for this exact occasion. Armor would be useless against the immense strength of the Leviathan, so they had chosen protective leather gear that would protect them from glancing blows without hampering their movements at all, which was necessary since speed was going to be their greatest asset in this fight.

Once they were ready, Frank turned to Gerard for a moment, placing one hand on his cheek briefly as their gazes locked. Frank did his best to imprint Gerard's face to his memory, because although he didn't want to imagine a world without Gerard in it, he wasn't oblivious to the dangers they were about to head into, so if this was one of the last moments they were going to have together, he was going to make the most of it.

"Are you ready?" Frank whispered, trailing his fingers down Gerard's tense spine idly as he spoke, pulling their torsos closer together in the process until their chests were touching.

"As I'll ever be." Gerard's tone was determined and strong, and even though Frank was aware that his husband was afraid - hell, he was too, but Gerard was brave as well, and now was not the time to be getting cold feet at the last second, so Frank swallowed back the words that were hovering in the back of his throat, plastering on a hopefully convincing smile instead.

"Come on then baby," Frank whispered, pressing a light kiss to the side of Gerard's mouth before pulling away reluctantly. "No sense in putting this off for any longer.

Biblical - Sequel to TMIAA (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now