Chapter 18 Nightmare

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Faith P. O. V

* the dream *

     I'm in my room. Kevin wakes me up. "There are pancakes in the kitchen," Kevin said. I ran out of the room. I saw Avi. I climbed on his back. "Where to princess?" He asked. "To the kitchen." There is a knock on the door. Scott answered it. He was beaten to the ground. My dad burst in. Along with Ms. Tono. Mitch, Kevin, Kirstie, and Esther went to fight them. Avi took me and ran. I'm shaking. Someone is calling my name. We are hidden. My dad found us. He touched me. I let out a scream. It worked. Everyone was laying there gasping for air. I hear a lot of voices. Ms. Tono shot Avi. I screamed again. I fell backwards. I'm falling. I jumped up in my bed. I'm sweaty.

     Avi is holding me. Everyone is by my bedside. I'm still shaking. I put my head on Avi's chest. I started to softly cry.

Kirstie P. O. V

     I was sleeping in my bed. What woke me up was Faith. She was moving around a lot and making noises. I called her name "Faith." She was breathing heavy. I was scared to touch her.

Esther P. O. V

     I heard Kirstie trying to wake up Faith. I got up. I can't even explain what was happening. I barely touched her and she screamed. That just scared the crap out of me. Kirstie even jumped.

Avi P. O. V

     I was sleeping away in my hotel bed. I was dreaming about Faith and I. Scott was right. I will make a great father. Then all of a sudden I heard a scream. I shot up the same time Kevin did. It sounded like Faith. I ran out the door with Kevin behind me. I ran into Scott.

Scott P. O. V

     Mitch and I couldn't sleep. We were laughing too much. We did a Superfruit video to make ourselves tired. Avi-ously, it didn't work. During the video we heard a scream. It sounded like Faith. I ran out the door faster than you can walk on water. I was running to the girls' room. I got close to Avi and Kevin's room. Avi opened the door and he ran out causing us to run into each other.

Mitch P. O. V

     I saw Avi and Scott collide into each other. I ran right past them. I got to the girls' room. I kept on knocking until someone answered.

Kirstie P. O. V

     A few seconds after Faith screamed there was a constant knock on the door. I ran to open it. It was Mitch. He burst in the room and went over to Faith. Shortly after Kevin walked in. When I was about to close the door Avi and Scott burst in.

Kevin P. O. V

     I walked in right after Mitch. She screamed again. It scared the blackness off of me. Avi and Scott burst in. Everybody was at her bedside. "Faith, wake up." She was breathing really hard and moving around a lot. I saw Avi sit at her bedside pulling her close to try to wake her up.

Avi P. O. V

     Everyone was saying "Faith, wake up." She screamed twice. My heart was racing. I sat on her bed. She was moving around a lot. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was shaking like something bad was going to happen. Next thing I know she jumped up. She was sweating. It was silence for couple of seconds. She buried her head on my chest.

Faith P. O. V

     I cried silently. I had a nightmare. They came off and on for a whole year now. It's actually been awhile. "Faith, what's wrong?" I hear Mitch say. I didn't answer. I don't want to tell them about my dad. "Faith, what kind of dream was it?" Kevin asked. "I don't remember," I lied. I remember everything. Ms. Tono shot daddy Kaplan. I cried on his chest more. This time louder.

Kirstie: Faith, I can hear u crying.

Esther: You're scaring us.

Scott: You screamed twice.

Faith: I don't want to talk about it.

Everyone: FAITH!!!

Faith: leave me alone.

Mitch P. O. V

     I can't believe it. She screamed twice. Everyone is beside her bed. She is shaking and crying. And now she won't tell us anything. Mama Mitch is worried.

Faith P. O. V

     I couldn't cut myself tonight. Everyone was here. They would not leave. I continue to cry in Avi's arms for about 20 minute. Then I was out.

Avi P. O. V

     Faith cried herself back to sleep in my arms. "Did she go back to sleep?" Mitch whispered. "Yes" I replied. Everyone went back in their rooms. We're still don't know what to do.

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