Fight Or Flight- 13

Start from the beginning

After a few moments of waiting, the tropical brush began to shift and both mens' eyes widened at the sight of Trafalgar Law walking with Eustass Kid's good arm slung over his shoulder.

"LAW!" "KID!" Penguin and Killer shouted at the same time, running forward as fast as they could in the water.

Law was tackled to the sand while Kid was punched in the jaw.

"That's for making me think you were dead, dumbass." Killer growled, pulling Kid up into his embrace.

The two men were certainly different in the outsiders' eyes.

Law, Penguin noticed, was thinner, and his cinnamon skin had darkened to a coffee tone.

Kid, on the other hand, looked as muscular as ever, though his once pale skin tone now looked like that of a normal person living in Miami. Even with all the scars now running down his face, his prosthetic arm had held up, which surprised Killer greatly.

"Is there anyone else..?" Killer trailed off at their saddened faces. Kid pointed up the beach and Killer saw dozens upon dozens of grave-like mounds in the sand, all marked by a large stone or a seashell. "Oh."

The four stayed silent for a few moments after that before Penguin turned back to law with a large grin on his face.

"This is great! You're alive, Law! I bet you can't wait to come home! Rocinante's been worried sick about you, and so have everyone else in the clinic. Actually, they all think you're dead. But who cares, 'cause you're here! Bepo and Shachi have missed you so much. You can finally just come back home and leave this fucking island!"

Penguin was too excited to see the mounting terror that rose on Law's face as he talked.

Why? Why?! He didn't want to go back!

After another minute Penguin finally managed to see the fear in Law's face and body language and he stopped his speach. "Shit, Law, are you okay?"

He reached out a hand to touch his friend's shoulder, only to have Law retreat at his touch and slap his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" The surgeon gasped, hugging his own arms and backing away.

Penguin screwed his face up in confusion and took a step forward, his arm still out reached. "What-"


Penguin pulled his arm back at the sudden pain of Law's nails dragging across his skin.

Kid looked over from his conversation with Killer at Law's shriek and cursed under his breath as he watched his partner back up on shaking legs.

Abandoning Killer, Kid ran over to Law, not caring about his injured foot.

Just as the smaller man was about to run, Kid caught him by the waist and pulled him into his mismatched arms.

"Shh, you're okay, Law. You're okay. I've got you. You're fine. You're fine. You gotta breathe, Law. Just breathe."

Kid closed his eyes and continued to whisper the sweet words into Law's hair, making sure the older man wouldn't harm himself while at the same time leaving him space to breathe.

Killer and Penguin just stared in absolute shock as Law eventually stopped shouting and struggling and began to calm down, his legs buckling beneath him.

Kid held him up long enough for Law to gain his footing and wrap his arms weakly around Kid's form.

"There, see? You're okay." Kid sighed, planting a kiss onto Law's forehead.

Penguin and Killer just stared in extreme shock and confusion.

Law grasped Kid and whimpered lightly, and the redhead reached up to take the darker man's face in his hands. "They're not going to separate us, remember?" The younger man cooed. "I won't let anyone separate us."

Law nodded and took a deep breath, regaining his composure as he turned to face their friends. "Sorry, Penguin... I bet you're probably wondering what's going on, huh?"

"Oh no, we're past wondering." Killer growled. "Come on. You're going to tell us everything on the boat."

Law's fists clenched in nervousness, and Kid took his tattooed hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Let me just get a few things first and then we'll go, okay?" Kid stated, squeezing Law's hand again. The question was aimed more towards Law than the blonde.

Killer crossed his arms, but nodded anyway. Kid smiled and rushed back to what he had started to consider home, leaving Law with their two friends.

The surgeon's nerves were just starting to fray again, when Kid returned.

Penguin and Killer gawked at the redhead's appearance.

Kid's shoulders were draped in a heavy maroon fur coat, and a pair of old aviator goggles sat upon his head. In his hands he carried an unidentified pill bottle, a black and yellow hoodie, and the spotted fur hat that Law had come to love.

Passing the items to his partner, Kid smiled back at the island one last time before nodding.

"Alright. Let's go home."

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