Chapter Six: Abilities

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I was ordered to silently follow Atsushi, Naomi and Jinnichiro by Dazai for some reason. I don't know why, I can't fight or have an ability. I don't even have a phone to contact him if anything happened.

Meanwhile, Naomi and Junichiro just kept doing their... thing on our way.

I swear they don't even look like siblings...

Meanwhile I could tell Atsushi was a bit nervous about this investigation.

As for me, I've been on some errands with some of the Mafia members and Akutagawa before that were much more deadlier so I'm not that nervous about following them.


I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard an explosion somewhere and opened my eyes quickly.

I looked at them to see if they had heard it, but they didn't even bat an eye... But how? That was so loud!

"Sorry Dazai, I'll come back quickly." I murmured to myself as I ran to the source of the explosion and ended up in front of a blazing police department.

I stood in shock, paralyzed. This is crazy. Soon I heard police cars surround the area. "Freeze!" They pointed their guns at me.

"Wait! I didn't do anything!" They didn't seem to believe me. Their guns are still pointed at me.

"It's true! I saw what happened! Some guy came out of the building unharmed!" Someone yelled.

"How do you know! You could be in with her!"

"I'm not!"

"Prove it!"

I didn't focus on the rest of their conversation. I just kept looking at the bloodstains everywhere on the building.

Suddenly there was a bang.

My eyes widened more. By now I was shaking. I turned around and saw they shot the civilian. The next thing I saw was guns being pointed at me.

"You all just killed an innocent man!" I yelled.

"He wasn't innocent! Same goes for you! Put your hands up!" I did nothing but glare at them.

Are these really the security of this city? Killing anyone without any evidence? I'm... going to avenge that innocent man.

One of the police men yelled an order to shoot. I closed my eyes and held my hand out.


Akutagawa POV (did anyone expect that ;))


I coughed as I attacked the man trying to kill Higuchi.

"Fear death. Fear slaughter."

I looked at the weretiger in front of me.

"Those who desire death have an equal desire to die. It's nice to meet you, I'm Akutagawa. One of the Port Mafia's dogs, just like her." I coughed again.

"Akutagawa-senpai!" I started walking towards him until Higuchi stopped me. "I can take care of this!" I slapped her. "I believe my orders were to take the weretiger alive!"

She could've died if I was late by a minute and she says she can handle things? "Stay down, useless cur."

"I'm sorry." What an idiot. (ಠ_ಠ)

I look back at the weretiger and he seemed to be confused. "My target has been you and you alone."

"Your friends just got in the way today."

"This is all my fault?..."

"Yes. Everything you do harms everyone."

His eyes looked like they were looking at something else. He was remembering something.

Ugh. I'm tired of waiting for him to say something. "I'm supposed to take you alive, so I'll just take your leg."

His eyes widened and I aimed Rashomon to next to him. "Of course, that was just to show you what I can do. But my Rashamon has poor taste. It swallows anything and everything." I looked at his eyes. He was having another flashback.

I waited again until he suddenly ran towards me while I commanded Rashomon to attack him but he dodged it.

I heard bullets being shot but I couldn't feel it. "Just like I said, my black beast devours anything and everything. I cannot be reached without certain situations."

"And I'm a man who keeps his word."

I commanded Rashomon to slice his leg but something stopped it. It was almost as if... someone else was in control...

"Do you really 'keep your word?'"

A muffled voice echoed.

"Tch, who's there?" What a bother. Probably another one of his friends. I couldn't see them though.

The weretiger was still on the ground and unconscious.

I looked around as Higuchi did the same.

"Ability: Reflection!" Out of the shadows, something came out.


What on earth...

The copy of Rashomon came flying towards me as I barely dodged the attack.

"Akutagawa-senpai!" Higuchi ran towards me and tried shooting the Rashomon copy.

The copy had stabbed Higuchi before the bullet could hit it.

I glared as I observed my surroundings once again, trying to find the source of the replica.

A figure wearing a black cloak suddenly came out. "Who are you?" I spoke groggily.

The figure stood still for a while until they laughed eerily.

"I said who are you!" I spat out, my voice stronger than before.

They stopped laughing.


They took their hood off. A mask hid their face.

"I thought you'd remember me by my laugh-"

They took the mask off.




Reader-chans ability:

reflection: being able to mimic anyones ability by witnessing the original ability being used by the owner

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