When She Left Him

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The Doctor stared at the now immortalized monument, understanding from Ailia's doppleganger that she was just trying to trick the woman, not get her killed.

Ailia's blank eyes stared at him, her sly smile visible underneath a layer of permanent ice, a smile that would never hold meaning to anyone every again.

How was he going to tell her sister? 

The Doctor shook his head, setting the woman's vortex manipulator and his sonic at her feet, wrapped together in a bouquet of flowers, lillies, her favorite. He didn't care about his sonic, he could get another from the TARDIS.

He gave the statue one last look, saying the words clearly enough for her to have heard through his tear stained voice, "I'm sorry, Ailia Mar. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. You were right all along."

He got no response back, just Ailia's smile, what had appeared to be sly, now seeming sad.


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