Chapter 12 - Smith and Jones (and Mars)

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Chapter 12

Smith and Jones (and Mar)

Ailia twisted around restlessly, her ability to sleep being stunted by the thoughts of Amy. What was Amy going to think, her just running off like that? Ailia had promised her that she would stick around, but she hadn't she had just stormed out. And now she was here, in a hospital, her vortex manipulator broken.

Ailia glanced at the chair next to her bed, somehow the Doctor had gotten to sleep. Not once before had Ailia ever even thought that the Doctor slept.

"Night, John," she muttered under breath, watching the martin curled around his neck. "Night, Peck, the little traitor you are."

She reached into her pants pocket that hung in a bag off to the side, pulling out the vortex manipulator, and quietly set about fixing it, ignoring the annoying throbbing in her arm.


When Ailia woke up the next day she didn't remember going to sleep. She was fixing the watch, trying to figure out what went wrong, when nothing. She stirred slowly, flinching at the weight that she put on her arm.

She watched the doctor's flittering around and a group of people in white lab coats file past. Students her weary mind corrected as she rubbed her eyes, looking around for Peck and the Doctor. Only the lord knows what trouble those two would get into together.

The students decided then was the time to wander over, not to her, of course, instead over to her next door neighbor.

"Mr. Smith..." the deep voiced and somewhat rude teacher among the students began and Ailia was up in a flash.

Good heavens, why did she have to be right?

She missed a second of conversation as she tripped over a pillow that had fallen to the ground, landing hard on the ground, a thud resounding through the air and a groan of pain as she landed on her bad arm. A nurse hurried in hovering over her and helping her back into bed. It was lucky that Peck wasn't around or the animal would she be reason for her to get kicked out.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your help," Ailia went through the pleasantries stiffly as the nurse rewrapped the bandages that her cast of sorts consisted of.

The nurse nodded, smiling, and finally left.

Ailia had missed the whole of the conversation that the Doctor had made himself a part of and her arm was throbbing. It was then that the Doctor decided to prance in, his striped hospital issue pajamas hanging loosely off his thin frame.

"Hello," he grinned wide, showing off his teeth, and tilting his head to the side, making him seem innocent. Ailia decided that this version of the Doctor was the most annoying. Then again she had only met two, how could there be two versions of the Doctor? She wondered, why wasn't I surprised when I saw this version of him?

"How are you?" the Doctor asked when Ailia responded with silence, his innocent look disappearing, a slight worry replacing it.

"I'm in a coma," Ailia said sarcastically, sitting up in her bed. Peck finally decided to make an appearance.

"You couldn't possibly be in a coma..." the Doctor looked like he was about to begin stating facts, but Ailia yelped as Peck landed on her stomach. "I didn't loose him." He defended himself quickly suggesting otherwise.

Ailia just let out an annoyed sigh, "Why are you still here, Mr. Smith?" She asked.

"As I said, Ms. Mar, something here is very off," 'Mr. Smith' answered.

"Oh, and here I thought you were here to see me," Ailia said sarcasm dripping off her every word as she plucked Peck off of her stomach setting him gently to the side, and began to get up.

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