Chapter 31 - The Last of the Timelords (Intruder's Edition)

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Chapter 31

The Last of the Timelords (Intruder's Edition)

No one knew where Ailia went after that, except for, maybe, the Doctor, but he wouldn't say. It appeared that the woman had just abandoned them, but in reality she was doing so much more than was in her job description.

Watching over Martha was a job and a half, but messing with the Master was more of a hobby.

Martha would call what Ailia did wrong, Ailia opted to call it backup, or at the worst tricking the people she didn't like.

Right now, Ailia didn't like quite a few people, not that they could usually see her do it, but hacking into the Archangel network wasn't the easiet task, but luckily for her she did know more than one back enterances, some of them even in the physical dimension, like the boat that she swayed on, Martha by her side.

"Have you got everything you need," Ailia asked, her eyes running over an invisible check list.

"Yes, 'Lia," Martha groaned, "I'll be fine."

"I know, Martha, but I'm not going to be her this time, the Doctor and your family are distracting the Master so I can take some things I need from his office," Ailia informed, biting the tip of her thumb as she tried to remember something.

"How are they?" Martha questioned.

"They're fine as they can be," Ailia said, "But we're almost finished. Our plan will be completed and we'll be fine."

"I hope so," Martha said.

"We'll be fine, and so will you. You'll be fantastic," Ailia soothed, "Besides you don't need a translator anymore."

Ailia had taken over the position, knowing most of the languages they needed anyway, the TARDIS unable to help them any in it's paradox state.

"Here," Ailia took a scarred, worn box out of her pocket, "Take this, I've gotten better on my own anyway. You can keep it safe, you'll do great, Martha. You always do," the girl reassured, punching in coordinates, and disappearing from Martha Jones' sight.


If you were to give Ailia Mar the title of Invisable Man you'd be almost completely wrong. Ailia was always causing trouble, yes, but she was not naked nor by any chance a man, not matter how many times she pretended to be.

And her standing in front of the Master, catching the man's wrist as he was about to backhand the Doctor, fully visable and clothed proved it.

"Hello, Darling," Ailia smiled shoving the man back, "Hope I'm not late for dinner."

"'Course not, Mar," the Master, "Though you do seem rather violent this evening."

"It's a gift," Ailia shrugged.

The Master snorted, gesturing to the Toclafane who swirled around Ailia's head.

"They work for me, like this," the Master pointed her sonic laser at Francine's head, "Say sorry."

"Sorry. Sorry, sorry," Francine cried.

"I wouldn't say so," Ailia fluttered out of view, reappearing in her new place a few feet away, the object in her hand.

"Mum," Tish cried, running to her mother.

"I know that anger clouds your judgement, but I didn't know fear could go so far," Ailia raised an eyebrow, standing in front of the Master, the man hit her, but she didn't even flinch, just turning her head back to stare at the man who roughly took her laser pointer back.

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