Chapter 6 - Changing Facts

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Chapter 6

Changing Facts

Tea's presence was not a good thing anymore, the Doctor and Rose Tyler an epic duo that probably wouldn't last. But they were happy, they didn't need Tea changing fate's design. She didn't see it, or ask she just knew. Knew that her time right here, right now was coming to a close, that she needed to move on before distater struck its curled fist towards her and the people that she loved.

So, she took a step forward, walking to her room and started her plan, she missed out a few things, the guy named Adam leaving with a hole in his head. Rose couldn't stop laughing when she told Tea that story, and Tea joined in, looking at her friend for the first time since she walked into the room.

Tea wasn't sure she had a friend before, a real one that is. Her last one disappeared, but this blond haired-full of life teenage girl was her friend. Her actual really real friend. And she was going to break her heart.

She didn't want to, not necessarily, but she had to, if she kept interupting time lines like this, then they surely would catch up to her. Still, Tea couldn't help it, the lines were blurring again. She couldn't just see one thing happening, she saw three. A broken foot, a dalek girl, and words that were never spoken. Leaving was the best option for everyone, but she didn't know how.

It would be easy for the Doctor to find Tea if she left, then he would see the long list of choas that trailed behind her like a dog waiting for praise. No, this Doctor wasn't ready to see her. She should have never met him in the first place, but it was an accident, a terrible, amazing mistake. A mistake that she couldn't fix now. So, she got to work.

For a week and a half Tea stayed her room, not noticing the Doctor or Rose lingering at the door, watching as she rushed about. The Doctor saw things almost the way she did, scientifically rather than emotionally. He noticed the ring around her eyes, the loss of weight, the new notebook sitting on her desk, the curtain that covered the far wall. Rose noticed things emotionally, she saw her friend's posture change, less sure and confident and more sad and worn. She saw the ink stained hands and thought she was working too hard, thinking too long.

Those were her friends. And she was about to disappoint them both.

They left once again, not wanting to leave her behind, allowing her to be alone to sink even deeper in her thoughts. Despite only knowing her for only six weeks they had grown strangely fond of her and her quirky little habits. A genius in a second and a first grader in the next. Twisting the ring on her ring pointer finger while she was nervous, and she was loyal to the end. Never failing to defend Rose and the Doctor even when they didn't need it. Better with words and quick thinking then with her clumsy feet, a quick temper that flared up like a bullet and went down like it's target.

This was the Teanna they saw, this was the Teanna that they watched and left her be because she asked nicely. Teanna Kelsa, stranger among friends.

And she was almost finished.

The smell of WD40 filled the air and Tea stretched out the metal wing, looking down at Peck who stared with curious eyes, their coffee colored gaze watching the kalidescope of colors dance across the wall.

"Beautiful, aren't they, Peck?" Tea murmured, watching the rainbow on her ceiling.

"And I couldn't have done it without you, TARDIS," Tea stroked a wall. "Thank you for letting me draw on your walls. I know it was quite mean of me, but you can see it. Can't you?" Tea ran her fingers against the wall, pulling a corner of the curtain back, peeking through the opening it made, to show something. A giant map of sorts, but of course, no one but her and the TARDIS could see it. "There is something wrong with the universe and I think it starting to pick up its pace."

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