For all anyone knew, she looked happy, except that the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

And Guren, who had known her for eight years, who had known each time she was sad and was faking it-

Guren, who she had loved ever since she remembered, who she still loved, even though he didn't love her anymore, didn't notice.

🎶 Yes, this is my sad fate, being unable to finally arrive to you~🎶

Once they reached home, (name) decided to speak to Guren properly.

"Hey, Guren."


"Can we talk for a few minutes, please?"

Guren looked slightly surprised, but agreed.

"I'll get straight to the point: are you tired of me?" (name) asked, gazing straight into Guren's eyes.

(The purple eyes she had fallen in love with way, way back.)

Guren fidgeted, looking down at the floor.

"O-of course not! Why, what makes you think that?"

(name) almost smiled; even though he tried, he couldn't keep the slight tremor out of his voice.

She chuckled softly, placing her head in one hand and tilting it, looking at him lovingly.

"Oh, nothing. Just me being paranoid", she said.

The relief in his features was prominent. (name) could guess his thoughts: she hasn't found out yet, I'm safe, I'm safe.

What else could he be thinking of, anyways?

"Say, it's our ninth anniversary a few days later, isn't it?" She said, almost like an afterthought.

Guren nodded, a smirk slipping into his face.

"Well, then! What're you getting me, (name)? It better be something I'd really like, ya know", he laughed.

(name) shut her eyes and smiled once more.

"Oh, you'll like it", she said softly.

If Guren didn't know better, he'd have thought it was almost sad.

14th February, 12 a.m

Guren unlocked the door and stumbled inside.

He felt guilty; after all, he'd left (name) home alone on the day of their anniversary, spending it with Mahiru instead.

He still didn't know why he kept seeing her, even though he loved (name) much, much more than he loved her.

He guessed it was because he wanted a change sometimes, or something like that.

(It's bullshit, even he knows that, but he can't come up with anything better.)

"(name), I'm home!"


"(name)?" Guren said again, pulling off his shoes and stepping inside.

No reply.

(He was getting worried now, but he wouldn't admit it.)

Guren walked into the bedroom where he slept with (name).

Used to sleep.

Upon switching on the lights, he saw the bed was empty, albeit neatly made.

On the blanket was a note.

Guren picked it up and read it, dread growing in him.

Dear Gu- wait, you probably won't like me calling you dear now, so I'll go with Guren.
There's no point in beating around the bush, so I'll get to the point.
I knew. Actually, I've known for some time now, that you didn't love me. Wait, let's rephrase that: you don't love me anymore, but I'm pretty sure you used to. I don't know what went wrong, whether it was my fault or yours, but what I do know is that I can't live like this anymore. And not just because it hurts me. It must be difficult for you too, right? To keep coming home to a woman you don't love-

Here Guren has to stop due to a tear falling onto the paper, and after he wipes his face, he continues.

-any more. You asked me for a gift that would make you happy, right? So here it is. I gave you my absence, and it's permanent, so don't worry! I won't be bothering you any more, so I hope you'll be happy with Mahiru. But before I end this, I would like to say that you could have just told me you didn't need me anymore, Guren, and I'd have left. It would've saved me a lot of heartache, and you a lot of irritation.
Wishing you happiness,
(name) (surname).

Guren let out a sob he didn't know he'd been holding and ran out.

He asked everyone he knew if they knew where (name) was, but no one did.

It was like she hadn't been there in the first place.

🎶 I already stopped waiting here for you long ago, since if I did otherwise, I'd certainly break🎶

And this charming piece of work was requested by lady_arisa
It took me so long to come up with a decent angst plot, and I think this might be cliche, but hey, I regret nothing!
It became a half songfic because I was inspired by Karakuri Pierrot.
I'm working on the requests, I swear I am! It's just that I became trapped in GureShin and MikaYuu hell on Ao3 and Tumblr...
And to sign off this lengthy author's note, in case this wasn't what you had in mind, I apologise, but hey I think it's good for my first proper was just difficult to come up with a realistic reaction for the reader, so I decided on what I thought was best.
Now since its 1 a.m here, I think I'll go sleep before I ramble on and on and bore you guys to death.

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