Chapter 11

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My legs were struggling to keep me going. Something was following me. I was running past trees in a forest, I looked back but couldn't see anything. I looked back forward and there stood a small cabin. I ran directly towards it and plowed through the door.

I woke up in Oliver's room, my head shot up, and I looked around. Oliver wasn't there anymore. When I got downstairs, not only did Jordan seem baffled by the sight of me leaving Oliver's room, but at the lack of new bite marks.

"Did he let you sleep with him last night?" Jordan quickly asked.

"Well good morning to you too.." I laugh.

"Oli's gone for the day, he seemed off. I guess this is why." Matt coldly said while sipping a cup of coffee.

"What? I'm confused" I stare blankly at them, "what would that do to Oliver?"

Matt got up to get another cup, "he's scared to get close to anyone. We're his last friends, and you're just... Breakable I guess. He sees you like.." He thought for a second, "like fine china during an earthquake. The second he gets happy, something always happens. He's snapped the necks of some of the past girls. So don't let yourself be another. His temper always comes back". He left the room to go upstairs. I looked towards Jordan, he raised his cup of coffee to me then drank it down. He followed Matt upstairs to work on the music I guess.

I went down to the basement, and opened the washer. 'Didn't I forget about the dress in there?' I must've. But it was hanging up neatly with no stain in sight. I was sure I'd have to throw it out.

I put in more loads and started the machine. I couldn't help but glance towards the chute to the library. I shouldn't. I turned around and left. I made myself supper, I even went to the entertainment room (with Jordan's permission), and played guitar hero for awhile. It finally felt like a normal day.

Jordan came in and played against me in a few rounds, but insisted I try playing Oliver in Halo.

I'll have to pass on that one, OloberSyko.

I felt sluggish, like I really need to do something today. I think the guys really wanted to work out some more songs today as a band, I only help tweak out their end result, then they tweak it again and it usually turns out great as an end result. Except, Oliver isn't there. I guess he's been too grumpy to work with lately.

Lee came out finally and said his part was done. I jumped up,

"Let's go outside! There's probably yard work I can do!" I smiled. He looked confused,

"Wait... You actually want to work?" Then he made a gag noise.

"Yes! I'm just going to put on some shorts and I'll be right back!" I smiled.

"Well okay!". He looked happy.

I came back down, Jordan's shirt came almost right down to my knees. I tucked the side into my shorts and got some sneakers on. Lee waved from outside. It was really nice out again.

"Hey look what I found!" He smiled, pulling out an axe.

"How do you just find an axe. Isn't there a shed for that stuff" I asked.

"Well, I forgot I hid this from Oli!" He grinned cheekily.

"Why would you hide that from Oliver".

He took a second to think,

" stop him from...cutting too many trees". He looked down at the axe, then gave it to me.
"There's some trees leaning towards the house and driveway, we can cut them before they fall. That'd probably be good".

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