Chapter 5

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I finish up the remaining laundry, but there's almost nothing to do around the house. It's... 3:30pm? I guess I'll make myself something. I open the fridge, but there's not much in there, lots of veggies and fruits, some...what is this, almond milk?

I settle on a salad, not that I like salad (at all), but it was that or the 'surprising' blood bags in the freezer.

And yes, I cried a bit after seeing that.

I finished the salad and looked outside, 'no one said I couldn't go out there...' I thought.

I slipped on some shoes and quietly opened the door, closing it as lightly as I could. It was beautiful, the leaves were just becoming golden and red, it looked to be a perfect autumn. I followed a path in the trees and breathed in the fresh air, it was a little cold, but Jordan gave me the "last girl's" leggings and one of his shirts. 'Not that that was a disturbing thought or anything... Wearing a dead girl's pants', but I kept walking.

The wind made the trees dance around, and some leaves fell, it was so beautiful here. Just as I was admiring the small pond, I heard leaves crunching.

"You must be the new girl" a deep voice said. I turned around with a bright red face. It was a tall, handsome man. He had dark hair and striking blue eyes. A nose piercing, too. He smiled shyly, wearing a red plaid shirt and dark jeans.

"I guess I am" I laughed. He smiled again, "but who are you?" I asked. His smile was so soft, but his face was edgy and daring, it was the perfect oxymoron written on his face. He walked closer and moved the hair from my neck, then looked down into my eyes. I craned my neck to be able to see his.

A distant voice shouting got my attention though, and I looked towards it. But when I looked back, the man was gone. I looked around, somewhat frantically, then saw Lee running towards me. He stopped and looked around as well,

"You shouldn't be outside on your own here" he said, "there's stuff out here"

I laughed, "like what?".

But he only kept looking around, "who were you talking to?" He asked, somewhat demandingly, "I heard you talking".

I tried my best to look confused, "myself, it's beautiful out here, there's so much to admire". He looked at me sceptically, but only motioned for me to follow him, right back to the house.

"Just, stay inside if you don't have someone with you. There's bears. Or you could get lost. Just trust me" he said blankly. I nodded my head.

"How'd you know I was out here?" I asked.

"There was someone else here I sensed. You happened to be there. I can't pick you up though". He looked frustrated.

When we got inside, everyone was awake, it was only 5:30pm though. "Hey, early bird party?" I laughed. No one responded though. Jordan walked over to me and pulled me aside to the kitchen.

"I guess I forgot to mention because I thought it was obvious, but don't go outside alone!" He whispered, but not once looking at me.

"Why? It's beautiful outside" I smiled at him. But he shook his head,

"Just, wake me up if you want to go outside. I'll take you, okay? I don't mind, but Oli would kill us if you went missing. And if you came back alive, maybe he'd kill you. There are things outside you shouldn't be around on your own. People even. It's better if you stay here where it's safe and we can keep an eye on you." He finishes. I nod while looking down. He ruffles my hair and briefly smiles, then goes back to Oliver.

Collectively, they go upstairs and down to the left hallway I'm not allowed in. So I go back in the basement to fold the clothes. I had each pile sorted, and didn't put any pile's clothes with another so it wouldn't get mixed up. That's one thing I've done right! I head upstairs with the laundry baskets one at a time, trying not to stumble on the stairs. I leave them at the top of the main staircase.

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