19| Cupid's Attack

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"Barry do you have feelings for her?" I asked starting to get worried. A lump began form in my throat at the thought of hurting him even more than I already have.

"I don't know what I feel." He admitted, but that didn't clarify anything. "I'm just confused."

"What about Iris?" I asked curiously, he looked up at me in almost shock.

"Iris. I just don't know what I feel anymore. I know she won't ever see me as anything more than a friend."

"Maybe, this whole Artemis thing is just you trying to get over Iris?" I suggested but that didn't seem to lighten the situation

"Whatever it is, it just seems like the hero never really get the girl." Barry claimed in defeat and that only made my guilt grow stronger, all of this is my fault

"Barry don't say that." I told him as I took one of his hands in mine. "Look I promise you that you'll find a girl that will love everything about you, because she'll see you as the amazing guy you are."

Barry leaned in and gave me a tight hug. "I'm so glad you decidedo to move to Central City. I wouldn't be able to do this without you."


"Because your worth being on time for." He said looking me in the eye, I was still trying to process what he just said when I felt his lips pressed against mine. I felt myself stop breathing as one of his hands found itself on the back of my neck. But for some reason I didn't push him back, I was caught completly off gaurd and I didn't know how to react.

I closed my eyes and slowly began to wrap my arms around his neck wanting to pull him closer. I parted my lips allowing him to deepen the kiss, now that I responded to his kiss, Barry placed both of his hands on my hips. His hands felt warm as the ran up and down my sides. Suddenly I felt my back press against the cold brick wall of the building as Barry held me in place. I ran one of my hand through his hair and I felt an all too familiar rush of euphoria wash over me and I suddenly pulled away.

I quickly shot out of my bed and scrambled out, I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. " I felt suffocated in the room and began to do the most cowardly thing I could think of, run. Not caring what time it was in changed out of my pajamas and got into my car heading straight for Starling.


When I arrived at Starling I left Dr. Wells a voice mail explaining that I wouldn't be coming into work today, hopefully he wouldn't get to upset with me. But that wasn't what worried me the most, I just needed to talk to Oliver about what I'm planning to do. I walked inside the hideout to find Oliver staring at a red arrow. When he saw me he immediately walked towards me and handed it to me. "Diane I need you to run some test on this."

"Oliver I need to talk to you about something." I said ignoring his request.

"We will once you run these test for me." He continued to insist, knowing that this was important to him I sat down in front of the microscope and began to inspect the ridges of the arrowhead.

"Last time I saw a spade that lethal, It broke up a pretty good royal flush I was holding." Dig joked as he waked into the room, he put a hand on my shoulder to get a closer look. "Glad you to see you back kid."

"At least I know I can get a proper welcome from you Dig." I replied before I looked back down at the microscope. "This is hand-soldered out of high-carbon steel." I said giving it back to Oliver. "Where'd you find it?"

"Isaac stanzler's chest." He replied

"Ted Grant's psycho sidekick." Dig clarified, but I had no idea who that was.

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