A Stranger

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A/N: This takes place after the main Dragonborn questline. There are also a few translation in parenthesis. The ones with an * are loose translations.

"Lok...Vah Koor!" Sizaa shouted, clearing away the final gust of wind that barred her path to Paarthurnax's resting place utop the Strunmah. She paused for a moment after crossing the rocky threshold, taking the time to retighten her long onyx braid as the harsh winds had blown it loose.

"Are you just going to stand there, playing with your hair joor? Or are you going to approach the Monahven?" Sizaa frowned. 'That voice...' it wasn't Paarthurnax and yet she was certain she had heard it before somewhere. Her curiosity getting the best of her she followed the sound, making no effort to draw her ebony bow to defend if the origin turned out to be a threat.

Sizaa was startled to find that in place of Paarthurnax, who was no where to be seen, a strange man was leaning against the word wall. He was tall, taller than any man she had met before, and far more handsome. His tattered sleeveless black tunic and trousers reminded her of the garb prisoners she had seen escorted around the mountain were dressed in as it did little to cover his muscular body. His long raven hair stopped midway down his back and looked as if it had never met a comb, a few strands blowing across his well defined face in the breeze. His features and creamy skin reminded her of a nord but he had the ears of an elf which somehow served to heighten his appeal. The most outstanding thing about his features where his eyes, dark pools of blood that were both terrifying and enticing.

As she studied him Sizaa could tell he was doing the same. No doubt finding her olive skinned, roundish face with soft features, and incredibly short self unremarkable to say the least. Her own opinion of herself was low, so why should his be any different? Sizaa forced herself to look away from him, suddenly embarrassed to be seen by someone so imposing attractive and grateful the greybeards cloak hid her cruvasciius figure from view. Though Alduin himself wished it gone, finding himself wanting to see more of this strange joor female before him. Something about her captivated him, almost causing him to forget the rage and confusion that boiled within his heart.

"What is your name, Kiir (child)?" Alduin pushed himself to his feet and began to approach Sizaa in unnaturally graceful movements for someone his size.

"I am Sizaan Kulaas. Though most simply refer to me as Sizaa," She replied busying herself with emptying the contents of her bag she had brought for Paarthutnax to avoid making eye contact with the strange man.

"Sizaan Kulaas? Lost Princess? Strange for a joor. Why is it you were named this?" Alduin reached down and picked up a book Sizaan taken out studying it's cover absently. She glanced up briefly to pluck the book out of his hands and return it to where she had set it down before responding.

"It was the name given to me by the Greybeards when a soldier gave me to their care. They were told my mother had died and my father was too busy with war to care for me but that is all they know of my heritage." There was no sadness in her tone as she told of her past, it having ceased to bother her years prior. And yet for some reason her careless abandonment bothered Alduin.

"And so you've lived a sheltered life here among the monks, isolated from others of your kind? Haven't you ever wondered what lay beyond this frozen strunmah (mountain)?" He reached to pick up another item but before he could Sizaa swatted his hand away beginning to become irratated with his questioning. Tinvaak (speech) was common between her and the dov Paarthurnax however she was always the one asking question never answering any about herself. Though she wasn't usually inclined to keep secrets admitting her deepest desire for freedom to this stranger who had no right to be here made her feel uncomfortable.

"My life is no business of yours. Who are you to question of my past?" She finally dared to look upon him again, her hazel glare meeting his crimson confusion.

A smirk took over his features as he dipped his head down, bowing dramatically before her. "I am Alduin, first born of Akatosh. Pruzah grind (Nice to meet you*)."

"A..lduin? As in the world eater himself...Alduin?" Sizaa's body froze, her agitation fading, unable to process she was but a few feet from the most lethal dovah in all of Tamriel. She couldn't tear her eyes from him. Sizaa could feel herself being drawn in to his deep red eyes that seemed to stir awake a part of her soul she didn't know was there, a part that craved adventure and danger. "But how are you a...and I thought the dovahkiin had.."

Before Alduin could respond a loud roar rumbled through the mountain top, an unmistakable call signaling the return of Paarthurnax as he descended from the sky.

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