Everyone Wants to Know (Camren)

Start from the beginning

The group of football jocks that surrounded her shouted praises at her and wolf whistled as the pair walked down the stairs. Camila shot daggers at the pair. She knew she shouldn't be jealous. She had no right to be. Lauren could do what she wanted. She wasn't Camila's. No matter how much either of them wanted it.

Laurens piercing green eyes scanned the crowd until her eyes landed on Camila. Her eyes widened almost comically and she pushed the bimbo off of her. The bimbo stumbled a little before walking the rest of the way down the stairs to be swallowed up by the crowd. Probably to be asked how much of a good time Lauren was.

Camila and Lauren held an intense staring contest where Camila tried to kill Lauren with just her eyes. Camila was the one to break the contest. She turned around and looked back at Dinah and Normani. They were looking between Lauren and Camila with frowns on their faces. Camila let out a cold laugh "Likes me? Yea right." Camila snapped at the 2 girls before standing up and stalking off towards the kitchen.

Camila knew that she was going to this party was a bad idea. She knew that she would just end up hurt. Lauren didn't care about her, Lauren Jauregui just wanted one thing from her. She leant against the counter. Surprisingly there wasn't anyone in the kitchen, even though there wasn't any alcohol in the kitchen she still expected for people to be in the kitchen.

Camila closed her eyes and rubbed her face. "Camila." She heard the voice of the girl she didn't want to talk too. Camila opened her eyes and looked over in the direction that she heard her name being called from. In the doorway stood the reason she was hurt. Lauren Jauregui. Camila didn't think this night could get any worse. "It wasn't- I didn't-" Lauren tried to explain but Camila wasn't having any of it.

"Save it, Lauren. Tell someone who cares." Camila snapped. If she wasn't so hurt she would have cared about the hurt that flashed across Lauren's face as those words left Camila's mouth. She spun quickly and walked back into the living room and onto the dance floor so Lauren couldn't follow her.

Camila found Dinah and Normani on the dance floor. She quickly found herself another drink and downed it, she danced with Normani and Dinah to all the songs that came blasting through the speakers. The 3 girls had a few more drinks and really started to loosen up on the dance floor, Normani had found herself a dance partner and was currently trying to see how close their bodies could get. Camila could feel eyes following her every movement, she knew exactly who's eyes they were but she refused to acknowledge them.

Dinah leant over to whisper in Camila's ear "Big bad Jauregui can't take her eyes off you." Camila rolled her eyes and plucked Dinah's drink out of her hand, downing the rest in one gulp.

"Let her stare all she wants." Camila pulled away from Dinah and began to dance again. A few minutes later she felt hands snake around her waist. She knew they weren't Lauren's hands. She looked over her shoulder to see Austin Mahone with his hands on her.

"You looked lonely dancing all my yourself babe, I thought I would come and keep you company." He grinned at her. She forced herself to not roll her eyes. Camila found the gaze of Lauren over his shoulder. If looks could kill he would have been dead long ago. Camila thought it was quite ridiculous that Lauren was glaring at the boy while she had her arm wrapped around the bimbo from earlier. Camila smirked to herself. If Lauren wanted to play that game Camila was more than happy to play along.

She brought her gaze back to Austin, "I was getting a bit lonely." She smiled before turning away from him and pressing her hips back into him. She moved her hips to the music and she could feel his fingers digging into her hips and he pulled her closer to himself. Camila wasn't enjoying herself. It was all wrong. Wrong hands, wrong movements, wrong feeling.

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