Everyone Wants to Know (Camren)

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Everyone Wants to Know (Camren)

Camila slowly opened the door and was met with loud voices and booming music. She was going to end the night with a massive headache. She sighed. Why she had come to the stupid party she didn't know. Or she did. She just didn't want to admit it. She sure as hell wasn't going to admit it to anyone. Camila looked around the hallway. Already there were a handful of people shoving their tongues down a strangers throat. Gross, she thought.

A red solo cup was shoved into her hand. She had no idea what was inside. Alcohol she assumed. She brought it to rest on her upper lip and smelt the drink. Vodka. She wondered why people were handing out cups of straight vodka. Shots of vodka she could understand, but an entire cup? That's a little extreme. They could have at least handed her a chaser too. She couldn't say she was surprised, though. It was one of the infamous Lauren Jauregui parties after all.

Camila stepped into the house. She attempted to wiggle her way through the couples that were attempting to shove their body into their partners. Camila sighed, she already knew that she was not going to enjoy herself. As she made her way into the living room she was surprised to see just how many people were at the party.

"Mila!" Camila scanned the mass of bodies for the voice that had called her name. She spotted her best friend Dinah sitting on the couch. Camila laughed when she saw her friend waving at her enthusiastically. Camila pushed people out of the way as she made her way over to Dinah, she embraced the taller girl in a hug before she noticed the other 2 girls also seated on the couch. All three of them had drinks in their hands. 

Camila was dragged into a sitting position with Dinah before she turned her attention to the other girls, the shorter of the 2, Camila believed her name was Ally, was looking towards the dance area longingly, Camila shrugged it off and turned her attention to the other. She was smirking at Camila, Camila remembered her as Normani, Lauren Jauregui's best friend. Oh god.

"Looking hot, Camila." Normani shamelessly looked her up and down. "Trying to impress someone? I can see why she likes you." Normani nodded, almost as if she was approving of Camila. Camila rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't." The words were out of Camila's mouth before she could even stop it. Normani frowned but didn't push the subject any further. Camila let her eyes wander across the room, she had been in the room before, but with a lot fewer people, and the music wasn't as loud. There had been 2 of them and the music has been playing softly in the background.

Camila caught something in the corner of her eye. She saw a boy, he was glancing over at the girls with her on the couch every few seconds. Camila looked over at the 3 other girls before she finally realised he was looking at Ally, Camila smirked, "Ally, instead of eye fucking him, go and talk to him." Ally stared at Camila wide eyed, who in return sent her an encouraging smile.

Ally grinned before downing the cup in her hand before all but skipping her way over to the boy. Camila watched her as she walked up to the boy and started a conversation. Even though she wasn't really friend's with Ally the girl hadn't really done anything wrong by Camila and Camila thought it was very cute the way Ally seemed to light up when talking to the boy.

Camila turned back around to the other 2 girls who also sat on the couch. They were grinning at her and wiggling their eyebrows. She furrowed her eyebrows and frowned. The 2 girls nodded to something behind her and continued to grin. Camila turned around and suddenly understood when they were grinning at her.

Coming down the stairs, with her group of friends, in all her glory was the one and only Lauren Jauregui. Camila had to admit that Lauren looked extremely hot in her all black attire. The only thing that ruined her appearance in Camila's eyes was the blonde bimbo that hung off her arm. Lauren walked down the stairs making an entrance to her party. She wore that famous 'I just got laid' smirk as she had her arm wrapped around the bimbo's waist. Her hand resting a little too low for Camila's liking.

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