Chapter 1- Filthy Lies

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Tobins POV
I wake up to the sound of my stupid alarm clock, signaling that it was 6:30 am and time to wake up.

I groan in both pain and tiredness, as my right arm stung like hell, from the cuts I made last night.

Yes, if you're asking, I am depressed and I do have some.... bad habits. But I have no other way.

My parents have died, I get bullied and harassed at school everyday, loneliness kicks in a lot, and I'm just... different.

"Another day in paradise." I mumble sarcastically to myself, slowly Rolling out of bed.

I lived by myself in the same apartment I grew up in. My family wasn't too wealthy, and me being the only child, they decided to live in an apartment until they had enough to provide for all of us in an actual house. But of course, that day never has, and never will come.

I grab a pair of grey skinny jeans, along with a  black collared shirt, hopping into the shower and getting changed and ready for school today.

I make myself a bowl of cereal, putting my hair in a messy bun knowing that I was too lazy to actually do my hair today.

After eating and getting ready, I grab my longboard which I've used for a year now, starting my way to school.
Once I get on the high school campus, I know I had to hide my board in one of the bushes so none of the jocks decided to snap it in half again like they did with my last one.

I start my walk up the concrete steps, keeping my head low and walking swiftly until I finally get in front of the school doors. Taking a deep breath, I walk into school, just awaiting the harassment.

And to no surprise what so ever, as soon as I reach my locker, before I even turn the knob to unlock it, I get shoved face first into my locker, making my eyes tear up from the pain coming from my nose.

I shake those tears away, knowing not to show and weakness, for that'll only give whoever this is what they want.

They want to see me weak and vulnerable,  and then use that to fuel the energy and self confidence they have in doing whatever else they plan to do to me right now.

I turn around putting my back to the lockers so they wouldn't shove me back into them, looking up to face whoever just shoved me face first into the lockers.

And to none of my surprise, it was none other than the schools most popular senior, Servando Carassco with his buddies.

The four of them is enough to intimidate me. No, I don't like to show weakness, but at the same time, these guys have been harassing and assaulting me for God only knows how long, and the damage that they've done so far is enough to scare anyone. Especially since I can't really fight back.

"Boys, you ready to release some of that pent up anger?" Servando asks cracking his knuckles and I know that they're getting ready to beat me again.

The worst part about it is, nobody stops to help, they all just watch and some even laugh.

"N-n-no, I really don't think that that's really necessary." I say stumbling and stuttering a little bit, but pushing my back off of the lockers, planning and getting myself ready to run.

Students pass by the scene, some even shove me to get me out of their way, but still nobody decides to help me. But I didn't expect them to anyways.

"Where are you going... freak." Jozy Altidore asks, shoving me back into the lockers and I am finally fed up with this as I take this as a sign to run.

I take off both of my hard sandals, immediately starting into a sprint, running to try and lose the guys in the crowd of students.

I had a high endurance, so I could keep running for a while until I lost them.

I look behind me to see how close the guys were or if I had lost them and saw Servando right behind me and before I could go any further, he grabbed a hold of the back of my shirt.

My first instinct kicked in, and before I could process or even think about what I was doing, I took the sandal that was in my left hand, swinging it as hard as I could, hitting him across the face so hard that he fell to the ground yelling in pain.

The sound of my sandal hitting his face, was loud enough to make the students that were around us, stop dead in their tracks, gasping at what I had just did.

Of course nobody paid attention to when he was hurting me, but the one time I get payback.... on accident, gets the attention of everyone. Oh no, this is not good at all.

I stand paralyzed in fear, not knowing if people were going to jump me or not. Plus I had never fought back against Servando before, so I don't really know if that was such a great idea anymore.

I look down at him, as he looks down at the floor and I start seeing droplets of blood fall from his face.

I don't know whether it's his cheek, mouth, nose, or whatever that's bleeding, but whatever it was, it was pouring down blood, starting to make a small pool of blood, and I felt a huge pang of guilt and regret.

He finally looks up at me after a couple seconds, and I see blood streaming from his nose, down his face, dripping from his chin and he has a look of pure anger and rage on his face.

"You are so dead, you son of a-" he starts but before he could finish, I hear a sharp gasp from right behind me in the circle of people that have gathered around us.

"Serv! Baby! Oh my god your nose!" A girl yells from behind me running to Servando and in an instant, I realize that this girl is Alex Morgan... the most popular girl in school... who I also happen to have the biggest fucking crush on.... She was nice... but damn could she get aggressive... shit I was in trouble.

"Ouch, baby... I-I was just trying to ask Tobin for her opinion on something the guys and I were talking about, it was about what I should've gotten you for something... and she just... she hit me across the face with her sandal." Servando says feigning innocence and my eyes go wide.

"You liar! That's-" I start to yell in defense but I know Alex has snapped.

"Shut the fuck up!" She yells getting up and looking at me with pure anger in her eyes and I, along with everyone in the crowd, immediately get quiet.

Fuck, I swear, at the moment, I'm more scared of her than I've ever been of Servando.

"Jozy... Alejandro...Clint... Tobin was the one who did this to serv, correct?" Alex asks clenching her teeth.

The three of them, just like the three stooges, looked at each other before all nodding in agreement.

Alex turned back to me with a look of hatred and disgust and I knew things weren't looking to bright for me right now... I'm in so much Damn trouble.
Hey guys! So this is officially the first chapter of my new story, I have no idea how often I'll be updating, hopefully at least two to three times a week, every other day or so but I can't make any promises. Like last story, please leave your feedback and votes because they are very much appreciated. Stay awesome guys!


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