Chapter 24

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           I woke up to a bright light shining into my eyes, causing me to curl up in a ball against another persons body. I jumped up, looking at my bed.  For a second I was relieved but then I started freaking out. Just yesterday morning, I thought Lucas was dead then the next I wake up to him in my bed. I looked around my room with wide eyes, running a hand through my hair.

           Katy stood by the window, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and a brow raised. I glanced at Lucas sleeping peacefully in bed then glanced at my mother. I smiled then walked out of my room, down to the living room and waited for Katy to join me. After a few seconds, she was also in the living room, sitting on the couch.

          I was about to say something when Katy spoke first, "You have to get ready, Maya. You have to go to that Alice in Wonderland premier. You should invite Lucas to go with you, I bet he would appreciate it." My mom finished smiling, as if Lucas was never gone. I agreed with her then quickly ran up the stairs into my room, shaking awake Lucas. As Lucas's eyes opened and met my own, he smiled. Quickly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down to the bed with him. He pulled me close, causing me to laugh at the sudden change and happiness coursing through me. I turned to face him, bringing his lips to my own. This was the first time we have kissed since he left. Lucas stared into my eyes before taking my face in his hands and kissing me back.

             Eventually, I pulled away laughing.  I got out of the bed, pulling away from his strong grip as he pouted at me.

             "I have a premier to go to, want to go with?" I asked, scooping my hair up into a pony tail and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, tank top, and a jean jacket that Lucas left here a while back. I always wear the jean jacket, it smelt like him.

             Lucas seemed to be thinking for a second as I waited for him to answer. Lucas frowned, "Would I be going as your date?" I also frowned.

              "You can go as anything you want." I replied, trying to mask the hurt I felt by the thought of him not wanting to be my date.

              "But that's the problem, I want to go ask your date but I am not sure you want me to." Lucas answered, looking down at the blankets. I rolled my eyes.

             "Of course I would love for you to go as my date, Huckleberry. I do not allow too many people to sleep in the same bed as me, you know." I said, smirking as Lucas's eyes light up. Lucas jumped out of the bed, jogging up to me then pulling me in for another kiss, causing me to shiver with happiness.

              I pulled away from him, glaring at me as I walked into the bathroom to change. I looked in the mirror, a blond with pink cheeks and large smile looked back at me with glittering blue eyes. I was amazed by how much Lucas can change my mood with just his presence.


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