Chapter 20

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              Lucas and I sat in the car, listening to Van Morrison with Goodwin in his dog carrier in the backseat. Lucas and I held hands, singing together. He actually had a pretty good voice.

              As Lucas turned a corner, I spotted a deer in our lane. Before Lucas could stop the car, we collided with the buck, knocking us both unconscious and spinning the car off the road. The last thing I remembered that day was Lucas flinging an arm in front of me as I curled into a ball and a loud screeching noise... Lucas took most of the impact.

         I woke up to a quiet beeping noise and a blurry mind. My body felt strangely numb and I tried to move my hand. I heard rustling above me, causing my eyes to open to white walls, bright lights and strange liquid-filled bags. A doctor took a look at me, smiled then left the room. A few moments later, he came back with a crying Riley, Katy, and Josh. They told me Farkle was getting me food. The first thing that came to mind was Lucas, but that could wait I guess.

          Riley ran up to me, hugging me slowly as she cried. The only thing I could do to calm her down was tell her I was fine, an obvious lie, and hug her back even though it would cause a sharp pain through my ribs. Josh held my hands and kissed the top of my head, in a friendly manner of course. Katy was hysterical so she had to be led out of the small room. When Farkle showed up, he brought me a sandwich which I ate quickly. I was famished.

           I watched for the next few hours the three of them exchange quick glances and gave me fake smiles. I pretended to not notice for a while. "When will they let me out?" I asked, Riley smiled.

           "You will be leaving in a few hours, you only have a concussion and a few cracked rib." I nodded at Riley slowly.

           "What exactly happened?" I asked, looking between the three of them. Again, Riley chose to answer.

            "Well," Riley started slowly, "you and Lucas hit a deer and you guys spun off the road... Lucas wrapped an arm around you so you are pretty much okay. The dog is okay too, just a broken leg." Riley either forgot to mention what happened to Lucas or she was trying to go around telling me what happened. I chose to ignore it seeing as I was extremely afraid of Lucas being hurt... I needed him to be okay.

A few hours later

            I smiled to myself as my mother, who had finally calmed down, signed papers allowing my release. Riley, Farkle and Josh left about thirty minutes ago so I could get spend a few minutes alone with my mom. I was not planning on asking where Lucas was until I got home, where I could at least be at a place that felt secure.

             As soon as I made it home, I turned to my mom who's eyes were beginning to glisten... I am sure she knew what I was about to ask. Before I could ask anything, Katy hugged me making me go silent.

            What happened to Lucas?

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