Chapter 6

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        For the next week, everything was perfect. Lucas would pick me up, spend every second we could together during school, and he would drop me off. From time to time, he would knock on my door late at night, just to talk. Once we even climbed onto the roof to look at the stars. Of course, I could not keep it from my mom for too long that I was not only hanging out with a boy, but I was also allowing a boy into our house at night. It did not bother her too much though, she knew I was smart and she trusted me. Katy even liked Lucas! Well, more along the lines of adored. What changed all of this is not even a major event.

      It was a perfectly normal Saturday. I woke up giddy as always and waited patiently in the living room for Lucas to come and hangout like we usually do. When he did show up, he did not look like his usually Ranger Rick self. He was blushing and frowning at the ground, even when I greeted him he couldn't look straight into my eyes.

        I led him into the living room and sat down on a leather coach. He slowly sat down next to me, glancing at me. I waited patiently for him to speak. "Hey, uh, Maya can we go out? I have to talk to you about something and I would rather talk to you about this while we are eating or whatever." My eyebrows pulled together and I stared at his face, trying to find a reason for him to be blushing. All I found in his face was sadness and embarrassment. I agreed of course, but I was terrified of what this talk could bring. What if he realized just how broken I am deep down and he did not want to hang out with a broken girl? By this point, my heart was hammering so hard and fast in my chest is hurt. Lucas got up slowly from the couch and left the house expecting me to follow. I followed him to his car and he opened the door for me with a faint smile on his face, which I received with one of my own. I sank into the seat slowly and buckled myself. Despite the intense heat of the Texan air, I felt chilled. Almost like I was running a temperature.

       Lucas and I did not speak as he drove, it was an uncomfortable silence. Soon, we arrived at a small little retro styled diner. I could not help but smile at the little place, I was really into classics and retro themes. My hands shook as I tried unsuccessfully to unfastened my seat belt and to my dismay Lucas had to help me. Lucas was looking at me strangely, not that I could blame him, but I could not meet his gaze. I was terrified of what might happen.

        I sighed and jumped out of the car, almost slamming the door behind me. Whatever happens now, why not go at it like an Amazon warrior? I peeked sideways and almost wished I hadn't. Lucas was staring at me in awe, something I was not used to. I smiled nervously and bit my bottom lip, one of my habits. His hair was shining in the sun and his green eyes were sparkling with something I did not understand.

         Lucas suddenly snapped out of his little moody bubble and slide next to me, hooking my arm in his, grinning down at me. He led me into the adorable diner and sat down at a little booth. I slide into the seat in front of him and looked up from my ripped jeans to meet Lucas's curious eyes.

 I slide into the seat in front of him and looked up from my ripped jeans to meet Lucas's curious eyes

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      "Are you okay?" I asked suddenly, reaching out and placing my hand on top of his. He stiffened and glanced at our hands so I pulled away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Before my hand could make it back to my lap, Lucas grabbed my hand and took it in his own. Before I could react, he kissed my fingertips and held my small hand in both of his much larger ones. Now I was thoroughly confused. Lucas laughed lightly at me expression.

        "You don't get it do you, Maya?" Lucas asked using the full power of his green eyes, smoldering me.

        I cleared my throat hoping to bring with it a clearer mind, "Not really. One moment you act as if you don't want to be my friend anymore, the next your making out with my hand." I said smiling but I did not do too well at concealing my confusion.

       Lucas was shaking his head slowly, his head lowered and looked up at me through his eyelashes as he was kissing my hand again. "Maya..." Lucas whispered, "I don't want to be you friend." As he said that I stiffened, "I want to be much more then that silly Maya." Part of me relaxed, and another screamed for me to run and never look back. A small voice in the back of my head told me he would be just like my father who left me and my mother, but another much more powerful voice refused. I knew Lucas, he was a great guy who would never hurt me that way. As I looked into his eyes, I knew there was no point in running away, when I would run right back. I sighed internally, a small smile slipped through my otherwise perfectly blank expression.

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