Chapter 14

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           Today was the day I was going to meet Zay. I was a bit nervous because I knew that if Riley did not like Lucas, it would most likely not work out between Lucas and I. I felt the need to give off the, "I am a good girlfriend" vibe.

            I pulled my hair into a messy bun then applied more makeup then I was use to. When I felt decent enough, I threw on a black crop to, a high-waisted skirt, a denim jacket, and classic black heels. I picked out this outfit carefully, making sure to not show too little or too much skin and keeping the colors light enough to not make the atmosphere any bit more uncomfortable yet not so bright I would flash like a neon sign. I put on a few accessories then stared at my reflection in the mirror.

 I put on a few accessories then stared at my reflection in the mirror

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              I stood there for several minutes, staring at myself. I knew I was not ugly, but I did not ever feel beautiful either. As I stood there frustrated at myself, I felt a large hand wrap around my waist. I turned to meet Lucas's face but he was frowning.

              "Why were you staring at yourself like that?" He whispered while looking into my eyes, I felt as if I were under a microscope and he were looking at a strange specimen.

                "What do you mean? Never mind, we have to leave soon to see Zay." I changed the subject quickly. I did not want to express my level of self hatred. "I will go find Riley and Farkle so we can head out." I smiled widely then stretched up on my toes to kiss Lucas's cheek. I turned, leaving my room and a stunned Lucas behind me.

                  When I reached Riley's door a heard Farkle's voice. Like the snoopy bad influence I am, I leaned against the well and listened in.

                 "Riley you are one of the most beautiful, sweetest, and kindest girls I know." I felt a smile creep onto my face. "I would love it if you would think about being my girlfriend."


                 "Riley you are one of the most beautiful, sweetest, and kindest girls I know." I was careful with my wording. She is ONE of the most beautiful girls I know, but she was not THE most beautiful girl I knew. Maya... She is so passionate, loving, mysterious, hard to understand, and loyal; it was impossible not to love her. "I would love it if you would think about being my girlfriend." This last part made me cringe on the inside. I mean sure, Riley was great but she was no Maya.

                   Riley shrieked then ran over to me, throwing herself at me. "Omg!" Riley screamed. Did she really just say, omg? "I have been waiting for you to ask me forever!" All of her shrieking made my ears hurt but I made myself smile for Riley. Maybe eventually I will find all of her shrieking and yelling to be cute. When I thought the word cute, an image Maya's beautiful face popped into my head. She was laughing, her beautiful blond hair cascading around her small body in shimmering waves. Her blue eyes were twinkling with delight and her full lips were pulled back into a smile. I still loved her.


                  I knocked on Riley's door with a big smile on my face. When I peaked into Riley's bedroom, Riley was sitting on Farkle's lap, her arms wrapped around him. Farkle was staring at me with a blank look on his face that I chose to ignore.

                 Riley's face snapped up to meet my own and her smile grew larger, causing mine to grow with hers. "So," I looked between the two of them, " Will you be coming with Lucas and I to meet Zay?"

                 Riley immediately shook her head while Farkle looked between the two of us, a frown on his face. I nodded then closed the door behind me while I left the room. As soon as I closed the door, I head another shriek from Riley. I shook my head smiling to myself, Riley was so happy, she has had little reason to be happy lately, and I was glad she finally was.

                  I leaned against the doorway of my room, watching Lucas fidgeting nervously with my blanket. "It will just be you, me and Zay tonight." I grinned when Lucas jumped. He got up from the bed then ran over to me and hugged me tightly to his chest. I hugged him back, concerned about him. "Is something wrong?"I asked, hardly able to breath seeing as I was being squished against his chest.

                  I felt his head shake slowly, "I just never want you to leave me." Lucas whispered. I couldn't help but frown.... How could he even think I could hurt him. I pulled away from him, smiling then took his hand, leading him down the stairs. I shouted over my shoulder that Lucas and I were leaving and I heard a quick, "Okay!" from my mom. I walked outside, into the blinding light, Lucas's hand still in mine. He led me to his car and opened the door for me. As soon as he got settled, a large smile appeared across his face.

                     "Are you excited?" I asked smiling at his face. Lucas nodded violently his smile growing with each nod.

                      "Are you?" Lucas asked glancing at my face then returning to the road.

                       "Of course." I giggled, I could not help it. He looked so handsome when he was happy.

                        For the rest of the drive we were both silent, his hand never leaving mine. After about fifteen minutes, we arrived at a little burger joint. Sitting out front was a kid about my age with dark skin and hair, he seemed to have something about him that screamed "Class Clown". As soon as we pulled in, Zay stood up and waved. Lucas ran out of the car, giving him a bro hug. Lucas jogged back to the car to reclaim my hand as I was getting out, my face was starting to ache from the long periods of smiling. I couldn't help but blush when Zay looked me up and down then loudly said, "I ship it." Lucas's hand tightened around my own and he bent down to kiss the top of my head.

                       For about three hours Zay, Lucas and I joked around the table. I laughed when Zay would bring up the embarrassing moments of Lucas's childhood, blushed when Zay would stare at me speculatively, and simply smiled between Zay and Lucas's little conversations. I loved seeing Lucas happy.

                      When we decided to leave, I could see a small part of Lucas being sad but another being overjoyed that he got to introduce the two of us. Zay and I parted with a hug and he smiled at me, which I saw as a good thing. I watched from the car as Lucas was being pulled aside by his friend and the two of them had a chat. Multiple times they glanced at me, causing me to nervously start chewing my nails. By the end though, Lucas was smiling widely and looking at me proudly. When they parted ways, Lucas took my hand in his again then grinned down at me.

                       "So what was that all about?" I asked curiously.

                      "Nothing. Just discussing my past and our future." Lucas mumbled, squeezing my hand harder at the last part. I love Lucas but that was hardly any detail. I backtracked my thoughts... Did I just admit to myself that I love Lucas?! No! I cannot do that, loving someone means opening your heart, and opening your heart means it gives the other person a way to hurt you. I sat still for the ride home, then gave up. I would not be able to run away from Lucas even if I tried... I would have to just allow whatever happens to happen. I am an Amazon Warrior! I can do anything and go through anything. I will come out of this alive I thought to myself while turning to Lucas, smiling.

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