Chapter Part 36

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     For the next few weeks Jennifer hardly saw Colin. He was busy getting ready for Helen's funeral and she decided to give him some space. "Jmo are you going to talk to Colin?" Evie asked Jennifer. Evie was here for Helen's funeral she was staying at Jennifer's apartment. "He is right next door," Evie said. "Don't you think I should give him some space?" Jennifer asked her. "You have been giving him space for 3 weeks. You need to talk to him," Evie said. "Why?" Jennifer asked her. "Because you are in love with him and he should know," Evie yelled. "Shhh, and I am not in love with him," Jennifer said. "He can't hear us," Evie rolled her eyes. "You still like him," Evie said. "No I don't," Jennifer said defensively she then turned bright red. "So you do still like him," Evie smirked. "Yes I do, but I need to get over him," Jennifer said. "If you keep forcing yourself you will never get over him," Evie said. "How do you know?" Jennifer asked because Evie seemed to know everything. "Have I ever told you the story of my first crush?" Evie smiled. "No tell me," Jennifer begged.


     "Oh my gosh you like someone on our team?" Niki said loudly. Niki and Evie were on the same ultimate team at school. Ultimate was a co-ed team so they had to play with the boys. This always caused so much drama. "Maybe," Evie said cheekily. "Who do you like?" Niki asked. Evie stayed silent. "Evie!" Niki begged. "Daniel," Evie spilled. "He is so tall!" Niki yelled. Then Evie slapped her on the wrist. "Can you image looking up at him? Oh my gosh," Niki said. Daniel was the tallest boy on their team. He was also the best player. He was originally on the A team, but then switched to the C team to be with his friends. "I can't believe you like him," Niki smirked. Niki was the last person to find out about Evie's crush on Daniel. She had already told most of the grade 8s on their team. 2 of the grade 8s liked other guys on their team, so to get them to spill Evie made a deal with them that if they told she would tell.

     At the practice that day Niki kept nudging Evie every single time Daniel walked or ran by and if time Evie regretted telling her. Evie and Niki texted constantly discussing Daniel. Niki finally got Evie to text Daniel. She had his number because they had a team group chat. Evie and Daniel started to text regularly and Evie actually thought she had a chance, but what if he liked her too? Evie didn't even know if she was allowed to date. Asking her parents would be really awkward. Evie wanted Daniel to know she liked him. He was driving her crazy. Every single time he texted her back she would freak out and want to reply right away. However, her friends kept telling her to wait so that she didn't look desperate. She would also text all of her friends each time he replied back to ask them what to say back or to look over texts that she might send. Her and Daniel were actually kinda getting close. He was even starting to ask her some questions which she took as a good sign. Some of the grade 8s even thought that Daniel liked Evie back, but Evie didn't think he did.

     Evie hurt her knee at a game and was unable to play for 2 weeks. At the first practice that she couldn't participate in they had to walk to the park because the field was being used for a rugby tournament. Evie told her coaches that she couldn't play and they were happy that she showed up to practice to watch. Evie just sat on the grass while her team did drills. She tried not to stare at Daniel the whole time. During the first drill when they had to run up close to where Evie was sitting Daniel asked Evie if she was okay and she just said yeah. As soon as he turned his back to her a smile appeared on her face. then the next time he ran up to her and asked her how her ankle was. Evie hurt her knee and not her ankle so his comment was really confusing. However, she normally wore an ankle brace because she had sprained her ankle last year and she was;t wearing it that day since she wasn't playing. She thought that that was probably the reason he asked that since he knew she hurt her knee.

     After a few weeks Evie started to get really annoyed. She just wanted to know if he liked her back. She thought that then she could get over him, then she could carry on with her life. He was becoming a distraction to her. She begged Niki to text him and tell him. Niki didn't protest so she texted him and told him that Niki liked him. "Oh my gosh what did he say?" Evie asked Niki. "He said dot dot dot," Niki laughed. "This is not funny!" Evie yelled. "I replied back saying that I won't tell you, and I asked if he liked you," Niki told her. "Now he says this is not a good time," Niki said. "Not a good time? What does that mean not a good time as in for me to like him?" Evie freaked out. "He meant to text. Don't worry I said I would wait," Niki smiled. "Okay tell me if he replies. Actually don't, but if it id bad then yes," Evie said. "Okay," Niki smiled.

     Daniel still hadn't texted Niki back by the time she would see him again. They had a game that day and when Evie walked up to Daniel he didn't even acknowledge her existence. Evie still couldn't play because if her knee so she stood on the side lines cheering for her teammates. A little half way through the game a bit in the other team and Daniel were fighting for the disk. The other boy ended up knocking over Daniel and he fell. It seemed like his leg got hurt. They paused the game and Daniel got off of the field. For the rest of the game Daniel sat on the sidelines. Evie wanted to sit next to him, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Evie's other teammate Emily basically forced Evie and Daniel together. Daniel was sitting in the shade and Emily said, "Let's go in the shade," and she dragged Evie over there. Evie then asked Daniel, "How is you leg?" and he replied back with a quick, "Fine," then Emily asked the exact same question and Evie wanted to kill her.

     After a week Evie decided to just tell Daniel. They were texting that night about school projects and Evie decided to just do it. She worked up the courage to text him, "I like you, and I told Niki, I don't want things to be awkward and I hope that they won't be" It was the craziest thing she had ever done. She could;t handle it anymore. She just needed to know ho she felt and what he thought about her. Normally Daniel replied back a while after she texted, but this time he replied back right away saying, "Yeah she told me," then he added. "I am not really looking for someone to date, but if you wanna be friends that's cool," at frost Evie was relieved by his answer. She replied back saying, "Sounds good.Things just got a little out of hand and I wanted to clear things up," Evie was very impressed with Daniel's answer. It was so mature for a grade 9 boy. That was always one of the things she liked about him. He was the only boy that ever passed to her at the beginning of the season.

     For the next week Evie convinced herself that she was happy that he didn't like her. How many high school relationships actually worked out? It was just a stupid crush that got way our of hand. She needed to get over him. It had been one week since he friend zoned her and she stilled liked him. They could never be real friends because she still liked him. They had made small talk over text, but everything just seemed so awkward. It also didn't help that Niki and another girl on her team pressured her to ask Daniel if any of the guys on their team liked the girls. After that Evie decided to not text him anymore. If she couldn't get over him then she thought it would be best to just cut off all communications. He would always be the first guy she liked. They story that she told her friends when they played truth or dare at sleepovers. The story that seemed so cliché, but it actually happened. She knew she would never forget him, and she was okay with that. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do you enjoy reading about Evie's life? Please vote and comment what you think:)

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