“Hey wait for me!” she complained

“I would if you gave up with that stupid topic” I glared at her promptly stopping her from saying what she wanted. She held my glare for a moment but I could see her eyes softening; the creases around them were lessening meaning that she was giving in. I smiled.

“Okay fine, I’ll give it up but only because it stinks here and I can’t take it anymore. Sometimes it sucks having a wolf’s sense of smell” she said as we pushed open the doors towards the main part of the school where all the homerooms were located.

It did sometimes suck to have such a strong sense of smell as we had, especially like on a day today. We were able to smell not only the scent of all the last weeks traces of food lingering around but also the stink coming from the body odors some of the more daring humans who refused to bathe, apparently.

And then there was the smell of heat spread around like a bad perfume in fact it was one. The scent grew thicker as we grew more and more surrounded by the rush of girls moving slowly towards their homeroom. Serena was alert in my mind. She didn’t want an encounter with the cause of all the heat of the entire female wolf population in school and neither did I, so I tried to remember what his scent was like in order to avoid it.

So far was good, Casey did a little small wave and went to her class and so did I, as neither one of us wanted to open our mouths and inhale that horrid smell not any more than necessary. My class was only half full; most of the students lingered outside in the hallways trying to bind their time before the bell rang and ended their freedom. This was good was for me as no one would be interested in me, most of them would be too busy finishing up their conversations.

I made my way without much difficulty, thankfully my seat was empty and so were the ones surrounding it. That meant that Mia wasn’t here yet and neither was Zane. I gave a sigh, I didn’t know if it was full of relief of being alone or longing to have a friend but I didn’t give it much thought. I threw my bag on the floor and slid into my seat besides the window and tried to relax.

So far I didn’t have a problem coming to school, no one had confronted me yet but I knew something was bound to occur soon enough. The pack wouldn’t leave me alone even with the prospect of alpha’s son finding a mate hanging in the air. I knew they hated me far too much to give me any sort of sense of relief. The wolves would find me soon enough and when they did, they will go straight for the kill both literally and figuratively. But what they didn’t know was that I was not an easy target but I guess they would find that the hard way.

I sensed a presence close to me so I looked around my eyes immediately found Zane’s and he smiled. I wanted to smile too but the thoughts I had in head were too grim to dismiss, so I just nodded in reply.

He shook his head at my gesture and sat beside me, his hood was up almost hiding his eyes but there was something about them that drew me in.

“Haven’t seen you around here, I thought you left this place” he spoke with a light tone but it did hide something else too. I couldn’t catch on what though. Serena, sensing no immediate threat nearby grew quite presence in the background clearly not wanting any part of this conversation but I could sense her amusement at this human.

“No I didn’t” I left it at that, no need to further explain my reason to say. He raised a brow at that clearly catching on to my hesitation.

“I know about your mother Rose” he said lowering his head trying to whisper the words so that we were the only ones who heard but I knew I couldn’t talk about anything here. The wolf hearing was too strong and they would pick on the conversation easily. Trying to not give too much away I kept I replied to him

“Doesn’t everybody? And I would appreciate if we didn’t talk about it okay”, I tried to tell him with my eyes what I meant and he understood as he nodded. It was good timing as the bell rang and the seat in front of me was suddenly occupied. Mia was here and was now huffing as she placed her bag on the floor. I kicked her seat in greeting and she threw a glare at me, I just smirked at that.

So I was here and there were things yet to be faced and yet to be decided.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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