Chapter 4: Namikaze vs Hatake

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'Such an incredible punch, it didn't seem like she had put any chakra into the punch.' He thought amazed. He stared into the tree, looking from the corners of his eyes, at where the 3rd and Jiraiya was. 

'How much did he actually teach her?' Kakashi wondered.

He sighed once again and straightened up. He had hoped he wouldn't have to use his eye for this battle, but it seems he has no choice. He reached up towards his headband, revealing his Sharingan eye.

Hikari smirked when he saw his actions. That meant that she could have beaten him without the Sharingan. Yet she wasn't sure what the outcome would be now.

Hikari watched in amazement as he made quick handsigns faster than the normal eye can see. 

"Mizu no Tatsumaki!" He cried out.

Hikari watched as a large spinning water rose up and came spinning closer to her. She cursed the fact that the training ground was located near a large body of water.

As quickly as Kakashi performed the handsigns, she yelled out, "Kaze Gyorai no Jutsu!" 

She took in a large amount of wind into her lungs and expelled it all out in a single blow. 

Kakashi watched from a distance as the water vortex spun around her, as she blew out a giant torpedo.

"What would that do?" He thought out loud.

'That's an offensive move. It would have no affect on the spinning water.' He thought.

His question was answered as he noticed that the torpedo was not surrounding the water, nor was it attacking the water. The torpedo had surrounded Hikari's body and lifted her above the water, taking her 10 feet away from the water jutsu. 

He couldn't help but be surprised and amazed that she would turn an offensive attack into a defensive like move to get out of the situation.

He cancelled the jutsu and turned to face Hikari who had also cancelled her torpedo.

Hikari wasted no time as she quickly performed a series of handsigns, "Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu!" 

A large fire dragon rose upward and flew at Kakashi. Kakashi narrowly dodged her attack numerous times as he ran towards the large body of water. 

He ducked under the dragon as he stood on the large lake. The dragon flew towards him again as he jumped up high in the air and performed a series of handsigns rapidly, "Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu!" 

From underneath him a large water dragon shot up from the large body of water and attacked the fire dragon. Both dragons fought hard, both were of equal strength and neither wanted to give up. 

Kakashi let out a breath as he panted, trying to catch his breath. That was too close, if he hadn't summoned the water dragon, he wouldn't have been able to dodge the fire dragon.

While the water dragon should have easily conquered the fire dragon, there was something different about the dragon that made it not as easy to extinguish.

Kakashi never once removed his eyes off of Hikari as she bit her thumb and made the necessary handsigns for the summoning jutsu.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" She shouted.

Kakashi watched as smoke rose into the air, fogging up the sight. He had expected her to summon a frog just like her sensei, but what appeared surprised him and even surprised the 3rd Hokage who had no idea that was she capable of summoning them.

Two large wolves appeared from the smoke and surrounded Hikari protectively, their teeth baring out, growling at Kakashi.

One of the wolves had an ivory colored sleek coat of fur. The front part of his body's fur stuck up as he bent down lowly, still growling and snarling. His tail swished behind him, but not in a playful way, the kind where a hunter is ready to capture its pray. His black nails dug into the ground as he crawled down. His ears were slightly bent and his eyes were bright blue, matching Hikari's. His left eye had a scratch cut through it just like Kakashi's. 

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