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Disclaimer: You know the drill.

Kumonga scanned the ground the magnifying lens on his goggles. Finally, he found what he was looking for; one of Shinomura's cells. He twisted the knob around his optics, zooming in on the subject. He knelt down and picked it up with two tiny needle-like protrusions that came out of his claws. He wanted to be absolutely precise, being careful to not squish or puncture the cell. He turned to Gigan, who wasn't far behind him.
"I think I found another one." He said. Gigan nodded and pulled out a small glass beaker. Kumonga placed the cell into the beaker, and Gigan closed it off. There were actually multiple cells in the beaker already. Gigan watched as the cells moved around at the bottom of the beaker. They were weak, and wouldn't be able to consume matter for a while. Unfortunately, this also meant they'd be unable to multiply. Gigan shook the beaker a little, making the cells slosh and rattle around.
"We've got enough cells for now." Gigan said. "Let's get these back to Ghidorah."
"Why did we need Shinomura's cells again?" Kumonga asked. Gigan rolled his eyes. He turned back to face him, crossing his arms. The expression on his face told Kumonga exactly what he thought of his intelligence.
"Ghidorah wants us to find some of these cells so we can clone them." He begrudgingly explained as she waved the beaker in Kumonga's face. His tone sounded as if he was speaking to a child. "He told us like 10 times, and I'm pretty sure I told you a lot more than that. Were you not listening?"
"No, I remember now." Kumonga said, nodding enthusiastically. Gigan rolled his eyes again, and the two headed back to the pod that they used to arrive on Earth.

Deep Underwater: Shatterdome, Japan Location

Muto rhythmically tapped her foot on the cold metal wall. Her hands were tucked behind her head as she lay on her hard bed. An old tube TV lay across the room, playing an old rerun of some cartoon. It was annoying, but Muto couldn't complain as it gave her something to focus on. She had been staying at the Shatterdome for a few days now. Most of the Kaiju being held at the facility were low-level threats that someone like Godzilla would have no trouble beating. There were some pretty powerful ones too. The Shatterdome was not unlike a regular max-security prison. The only main difference was the amount security. Due to the inmates being super-powered dangerous Kaiju, several massive security measures had to be taken. For one, the entire facility was completely underwater, except for an entrance/exit and a helicopter pad to bring in Kaiju. The facility was also located deep on the ocean floor. If a Kaiju somehow managed to escape, even if they could breath in water, the pressure would kill them. Another thing that differentiated the Shatterdome from a regular prison were the guards. There were only five of them, but they were more than able to handle whatever might happen at the facility. They were highly-trained agents from the Jaeger program, a worldwide government effort lead by Japan, China, Australia, Russia, and America. The Jaeger agents each wore a specialized mech suit and wielded weapons of their own choice, from massive taser gauntlets to arm-mounted machine guns. None of the Kaiju at the Shatterdome would dare cross the Jaegers. Muto was no exception. She had accepted being arrested without resistance, and did what the Jaegers said without question. They often mentioned that she was the Shatterdome's most well behaved inmate, and treated her a little better to reward her for it. Despite being locked up, life in the 'Dome, as the inmates called it, wasn't too bad for Muto. However, this was about to change. One of the Jaegers approached her cell and knocked on the metal door, getting Muto's attention. The door had a sliding glass panel in it, allowing the Jaegers to speak with the inmates. The Jaeger at Muto's door opened the panel. Her armour was a muddy green, and her hair was dark blonde. A sniper rifle hung over her shoulder. She didn't look very happy, but she never really did. Muto got up from her bed and went to stand in front of the door.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"You're getting a new cellmate." The Jaeger said. This was the Russian Jaeger, codenamed Cherno Alpha. Muto's expression changed to one of confusion.
"What? Why?" She asked.
"We recently got a huge surge of Kaiju coming up from the ocean through some sort of portal between worlds." Cherno explained.
Muto's eyes widened. "Between worlds?" She asked.
"That's what the nerds in the lab say." Cherno continued, showing a brief glimpse of a smirk at her attempt at a joke. "We've captured most of the Kaiju that came out of this rift, but since we're currently short on space, a few of them are going to have to share cells with previous inmates. That includes you."
Muto sighed, placing a hand on her hip. "Alright, when can I meet my new room mate?" she asked.
"Right now." Cherno said. "Step away from the door."
Muto complied and stood against the back wall as Cherno opened the door. She pulled the rifle off her back, holding it in front of her as she stepped to the side. Behind her was a Kaiju wearing the standard dark orange short-sleeved uniform worn by all Shatterdome inmates. Their hands were locked together by high-tech heavy duty handcuffs. Muto could tell she was female. She was tall, and had short dark grey shaggy hair with bright neon blue and green streaks through it. Her eyes were a bright yellow. All over the crest of her forehead and forearms were small bluish-grey scale-like protrusions. Cherno unlocked the handcuffs and motioned for the Kaiju to go into the cell. She stepped in without saying a word, until Cherno closed the door. Muto heard the heavy lock click into place with a loud thud. The Kaiju looked back at the door, making sure no one was watching. She then turned back to Muto and grinned at her.
"Hi. I'm Slattern." She said. Her voice was low and breathy. For some reason, it was both comforting and unsettling. Muto thought nothing of it.
"You can call me Muto." She replied. Slattern's grin widened as her eyelids lowered.
"I think we're gonna be good friends." She said, almost hissing her words. She began to approach Muto slowly. Her tongue flicked like a lizards and slid over her lips, as if she was a predator stalking her prey. A little disturbed by this, Muto began to back up, but was stopped by her bed. She looked at the uncomfortable mattress behind her, realizing there was only one bed in their room. A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead.
"I guess we'll have to talk to one of the Jaegers about getting another bed in here." She said, laughing to hide her nervousness. Slattern laughed too, but her laugh was much different. It was much darker, only adding to Muto's unsettled mood.
"Oh, I think we're only gonna need one." Slattern replied. She closed the gap between her and Muto slowly, backing her onto the bed. The position Muto was in forced her to lay her back against the wall. Her heart began to race with fear as she started to think about Slattern's intentions.
"W-what are you doing?" She asked. Slattern chuckled darkly, as she did before. She placed her hands on the bed, hovering over Muto and preventing her from moving. Muto was too shocked to move. Slattern crawled onto the bed and knelt in front of her, moving her face closer to Muto's.
"I just figured since we'll be sharing this cell," She breathed, "we may as well... get to know each other."
The last five words were whispered into Muto's ear. Muto gasped as she realized what was about to happen. In an adrenaline fuelled panic, she thrust her arm into Slattern's stomach and ducked under her arm, rushing for the other side of the room. She looked back at Slattern, her rage showing on her face.
"You stay the hell away from me!" She snapped. "Do that to me again, and I swear, I won't hold back!"
Slattern turned to face her again, giving a coy smirk. She quickly rushed from one side of the room to the other, barely giving Muto any time to think. Luckily, Muto's adrenaline enhanced her reflexes. She dodged an attack from Slattern, and then landed a solid kick to her side, knocking her to the ground. She fell with a thud and a high-pitched grunt. As Muto searched around the room, trying to find something to use as a weapon, Slattern slowly lifted herself off the ground. She grinned and wiped the blood from her lip.
"Ooh, you're a fighter." She hissed. "I like that."
Without another word, she tackled Muto the ground. She got back up, Muto still struggling in her grasp, and flung her back to the bed. She slammed against the wall and fell to the mattress, groaning in pain. While she tried to recover, Slattern rushed over and pinned her down to the bed by her arms. Muto's body was already wracked with pain, and Slattern pinning her wasn't making matters easier.
"Scream all you want." Slattern taunted. "No one will hear you."
Muto stopped struggling. She knew there was nothing she could do. If she told the Jaegers, they wouldn't listen. If she struggled, Slattern would only make it worse. She only prayed that whatever Slattern was about to do, it would be over quickly.

The End...

Godzilla Warriors 5: Heroes AssembleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora