Chapter 9: Hurt

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Mothra's eyes were wide as she tried to pick herself up from the ground. A red mark had formed on her cheek where Godzilla's hand impacted. It hurt in more ways than one. Her tears began to form and she slowly and chakily reached a hand up to her cheek.
"Anyone else?" Godzilla challenged. Nobody said anything, either due to shock or fear. Some were even holding back due to their own anger at him. Mothra, of course, was too shocked to even move.
"Good." Godzilla growled. He turned and opened the door, stepping into the hallway leading to the elevator. Once the door had closed, Rodan and Anguirus bolted over to Mothra to help her up.
"Mothra, are you alright?" Rodan asked. But he already knew the answer. Mothra managed to lift herself up with some help from Anguirus, and then steady herself with Rodan's help. Her right cheek was so red that it almost looked like a burn. Her eyes were pointed downwards, and her lips were beginning to quiver.
"I... I'm fine..." She lied, sobs beginning to escape her shaking lips. Rodan looked at Anguirus.
"I'll help Mothra to her room." He said.
"In that case, I'll hang back here." Anguirus replied. Rodan nodded, and left the room with Mothra. Anguirus looked back at the Avengers. They all looked at him as if they were expecting answers.
"You need to understand, Godzilla's not usually like that." He explained. "I don't know what's going on with him, but..." Nick Fury suddenly entered the room from the back of the room. He had heard everything. His presence ushered in a silence over the whole room. 
"We understand, Anguirus," Fury said, "but the fact still stands, Godzilla's going to jeopardize the mission if he attacks Shinomura head on."
"So what now?" Tony asked. Fury folded his arms behind his back and turned to Tony and the others.
"Obviously, you need to suit up and find him before he does something stupid." He ordered.

The sound of footsteps echoed as Rodan and Mothra walked down the quiet hallway in a complete silence. They really had nothing to talk about. Mothra didn't feel like talking right now anyway, and simply hung her head looking at the ground with her hands folded in front of her. Her face was completely emotionless. To break the uncomfortable air around them, she reluctantly spoke.
"You don't have to walk me to my own room." She said in a hushed voice.
"I know, but I just don't want you to feel alone right now." Rodan explained. "We may not have the closest friendship, but I do care about you."
"But does Godzilla?" Mothra asked in a quieter tone. Rodan chose not to reply. Finally, they were at her room. She sat down on the bed, and Rodan stood in the doorway for a few moments before speaking.
"You'll be okay, right?" He asked. Mothra simply nodded, not even looking at him. Rodan had nothing else to say and closed the door. As soon as the knob clicked into place, Mothra immediately began sobbing, not caring if Rodan heard or not. She placed her face in her hands and let her tears flow forth. Suddenly, she heard what sounded like a phone ringing coming from the bedside table. It was Godzilla's communicator. She picked it up and turned it on. Once she saw who was calling, she wished she hadn't.
"Hey, Mothra! Just seeing how things are going in New York." It was Leo, her older brother. He had a big smile on his face, but it fell when he got a good look at Mothra's expression. "Mothra... is everything alright? You look like you've been crying."
"It's... it's nothing." Mothra sniffled, wiping away her tears. "Just... allergies."
"Bullshit, Mothra." Leo asserted, crossing his arms. "I've been your brother for literally your whole life. Whatever is wrong, you can tell me."
He was right, and Mothra knew it. She could trust him with whatever problem she had. She shakily took in a breath, then exhaled out. This would take some effort to confess. "It was Godzilla... he got mad. Like, really mad." She explained. "Then he went kinda crazy... and he..."
She didn't have to finish. Leo's face told her that he already knew.
"He didn't..." Leo muttered. Mothra reluctantly turned her face to the side, showing him the red hand shaped mark. There was no mistaking it now.
"He hit you!?" Leo asked. "I-I don't even know what to say... why would he do that to you? How could he do that to you?"
"I don't know." Mothra whimpered. "He was acting strangely before, but I thought maybe... Oh, I don't know what I thought!"
She began crying again. Leo tried his best to comfort her through the communicator.
"Maybe it was because of something I did?" Mothra cried.
"Mothra, don't talk like that." Leo comforted. "It was not your fault, you have to believe that." But Mothra was seemingly unconsolable. She covered her face with her hands and flopped on her side on the bed, dropping the communicator next to her.
"What if he was just pretending to be in love with me this whole time?" She continued sobbing.
"Mothra! I'm sure that's not the reason." Leo tried to explain. He tried to say more, but he couldn't think of anything else. This was a problem he couldn't fix. Mothra eventually stopped crying, but still sobbed softly every so often.
"I think I need to go now." She whimpered. Leo nodded, a concerned expression on his face.
"Take care of yourself, Mothra." He said. He clicked the button to shut off the communicator.

Back on Monster Island

Leo exhaled deeply, wiping the sweat from his face. He had no idea what to do. He was currently slumped on the couch in the living room of his treehouse. 
"I can't believe it." He said. "They seemed so happy together. Why would Godzilla do such a thing?" Battra was in the room too, crossing his arms while leaning against a wall. He had heard the whole conversation, but was too angry at Godzilla to speak. The brothers had different views on the situation. While Leo still saw the good in Godzilla, Battra's mind was already made up.
"I was right, you know." He growled. "I knew Mothra being with Godzilla was a bad idea. He wasn't right for her. She didn't listen, and look where it got her."
"Battra, I know you want to protect her, but..." Leo began.
"Of course I want to protect her!" Battra snapped, getting up from the wall. "And so should you! Do you want to lose her again?"
Leo didn't respond, but he knew what Battra was referring to. Not two weeks ago, Mothra was killed by Desghidorah, the same kaiju that had killed their parents years ago and broke their mother's knife. Luckily, Mothra was able to somehow bring herself back to life, but the pain of seeing their sister bleeding out on the ground never left them. Battra was especially effected, due to some terrible things he had done to her in the past.
"We're her brothers." Battra continued. "And I'm going to defend my sisters honour, wether you agree with me or not."
He closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists, placing them against his chest. He began to glow a bright green, and suddenly disappeared. Leo sighed. He had no idea where Battra had teleported to, but he did know that whatever he had planned wouldn't turn out well.

(Author's Note: Sorry for interrupting the story, but I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to DracoTross . He's starting a book of Wattpad story reviews, and the story he started with was my Godzilla Warriors series! He made some pretty good points, and I'll definitely take some of his advice and criticisms to heart. So go check that out if you're interested. Until then, this is Captaintaco2345, signing off!)

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