Chapter 15: Back to Normal

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Despite the morning being almost over, Mothra was still asleep. Well, not really asleep, but she  was still in bed. She didn't exactly feel like getting up right now. That wasn't iced tea she was drinking last night. Well, it did have iced tea in it, but it was an alcoholic beverage. She wanted to try something different for once and ordered something called a long island iced tea, but she failed to take into account two things; one, there was quite a bit of alcohol in a long island iced tea, and two, she was an extreme lightweight. Unlike Godzilla, she could get drunk, or in last night's case, completely smashed. She didn't remember much from the previous night, but she remembered Battra practically having to carry her into bed. In fact, he probably did carry her. She only had that one drink, which wasn't really that strong in the first place, but her hangover felt like she had 7. When she woke up, she was hoping to talk with Battra for a little bit, but he was gone when she woke up, so she decided to just go back to bed. A knock at the door stirred her from her attempts at sleep. She shot up from bed, wincing at the twinge of pain that rippled through her head.
"I'll be there in a second!" She called groggily. Instead of taking the time to change out of her nightgown, she threw her kimono over top of it, wearing it like and untied robe. Another knock at the door elicited a groan from her.
"This had better be important." She grumbled. She twisted the knob and pulled opening the door. As she saw who was standing in the doorframe, she gasped jumped back slightly in surprise. Her hangover slowly began to melt away.
"Hey, Mothra." Godzilla greeted. He seemed much more confident, and even a little bit happy. Mothra hadn't seen him like this in some time.
"...Hi." She replied. "Did you need something? Another nightmare?"
"No, nothing like that. I just wanted to give you something." Godzilla replied. Mothra could now see he was holding something behind his back. She began to catch on. He wanted to give her a gift to attempt to make up for the incident.
"Godzilla, you don't have to give me anything." She said.
"I really think you're gonna like this." Godzilla said. Mothra noticed that he was restraining himself from shaking in excitement. Whatever he wanted to give her, he really wanted her to have it. She sighed in defeat, stepping to the side.
"Come in." She said. Godzilla complied, entering the room and closing the door behind him. Mothra still kept her distance from him. She stood all the way across the room
"Well, what is it?" She asked.
"Close your eyes first." Godzilla said. Mothra rolled her eyes, but closed them, holding out her hands. She felt Godzilla place something in her waiting arms. It felt like a tough, worn fabric, almost like burlap, but much softer. She also felt something hard and beneath the cloth. She had no idea what it was.
"You can open your eyes now." Godzilla said. Mothra complied, and saw the object in her hands. Whatever it was, it was wrapped in a white cloth, as she had predicted. She quickly unwrapped it, and her eyes widened as she saw what was underneath. It was an elemental knife, similar to her previous one; the one that belonged to her mother.
"Oh... I didn't think the Shobijin would be finished forging it this soon." Mothra said, looking at the blade. Godzilla was confused at first, but remembered that the Shobijin were forging her a new knife after the old one was shattered. However, this was not the one the Shobijin had been forging.
"Maybe you should look closer." Godzilla suggested. Mothra was confused at first, but did take a closer look at the blade. It was quite beautiful, almost exactly like her previous elemental knife. The carvings were exact, along with every scratch and notch. Mothra furrowed her eyebrows, confused about the amount of detail put into the blade. She ran a finger down one side, where she felt what appeared to be an imperfection. It felt like a scratch, which was strange for a newly forged blade. As she looked closer, she found many other scratches, notches, or other imperfections. It felt as if is had been cracked or shattered and then... put back together. Mothra's eyes slowly widened again as she began to realize what this knife was. It was not a newly forged blade. It was the original. This was her mother's elemental knife. She looked at Godzilla, then back to the knife, than back to Godzilla.
"" She breathed. It was all she could think to ask.
"I had Battra get the pieces back from the island." Godzilla explained. "Then I tried my best to weld it back together using the equipment in Tony's workshop."
Mothra clutched the knife tighter, being sure to not cut herself. Her hands were shaking, and her eyes began to fill with tears. She didn't mind crying in front of Godzilla anymore.
"I know this could never make up for what I did," Godzilla admitted, "but I thought... maybe it might be a start."
Mothra didn't reply. She tried, but her words caught in her throat. Her tears began to flow, but her mouth was curled into a smile. Godzilla even heard her sniffle a little, trying to hold in her sobs.
"Mothra?" He asked, awaiting her response. She looked up and rushed towards him. Once she reached him, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He could feel her shake from her silent sobs as she pressed her head into his chest.
"Godzilla... you have no idea how much this means to me..." She said quietly. "Thank you... thank you so much."
"...Your welcome." Godzilla said. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, hesitant about returning the hug. She didn't stop him. They both missed the feeling of being held by one another. But they both knew it couldn't last forever. They still had a few things to discuss. Still hugging Godzilla, Mothra spoke again. Her sobs had stopped by now.
"I think we might have some stuff to talk about." She said. Godzilla nodded.
"Yeah, I think we do." He agreed. They let go of each other and sat down on the bed, still looking at each other. Godzilla was glad that Tony's advice worked. Mothra no longer looked at him as if she was afraid. She felt like her trust in him was beginning to rekindle. It might take some time, but they both knew that as long as they talked through their problems, they would be where they were before.

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