Chapter 39- Tornados ain't got nothing on me

Start from the beginning

"What don't you know" he asked "And stop dragging it on" he growled

"Well from what I could tell they wanted to scare me they showed me witches back in the day, and off you, then them getting killed. Then they were saying I had to do whats right according to them, there my family and if I don't....." I stopped

"If you don't what Kit" he urged 

"I don't know that when you put the pendant on and it all stopped, except from her parting words which were seriously whack-a-doodle" I licked my dry lips "What I don't understand is my part in everything"

He looked away from me for a minute, thinking.  "Kit your our answer, I already told you that were ridden with blood lust as much as we don't want to face it, were dying especially on the light side, its going to be our race or humans that will die, according to the witch and the prophecy your the one that will save us" 

"But how" I exclaimed 

"I don't know I was hoping you would have answers" Callum frowned he took a breath then spoke

"It will take two,

Too become one

Fire and ice,

For answers to

be revealed,

truths to be told,

justice to be held,

the last of a dead breed

recreates and


a lesson must 

be had,

she must be the 


the last or forever?

He must fall

while another rises,

two sides collide,

Light and Dark

but which is which?

The start to an end"

I pursed my lips, OK. I guess some of that makes sense but it didn't get me any answers if I want to save the vampys, I need to know how and right now I just don't.

Daniel burst in an I couldn't help but smile.

"Yo Kit kat bar your awake, like really awake" he stopped "What the hell happened in her"

I smirked when Callum spoke "Kit decided to christen her witchiness on my room"

"I thought it needed redecorating" I huffed

Daniel just shook his head "Well my little noobie, I have some blood for you" he swung a blood bag in front of him "We barely even get these anymore because they don't produce enough but cos you new I suppose you can have it"

"What type?" Callum questioned 

"AB negative" Daniel sighed

"Damn it haven't had some of that in ages, I'm so fucking sick of blood type O, why is everyone fucking O" Callum growled

Daniel went to hand me the blood bag but didn't loosen his grip on the bag.

"Let go" I snarled viciously

I wasn't going through the whole no I'm not drinking blood its wrong crap. I'm a vampire, a witch too apparently, but I'm a vampire, and I will drink blood.

Daniel sighed letting go of the bag, I tore it open with my canine tooth which seemed to be as sharp as a knife now, I had barely opened the bag when I had guzzled down the bag, the warm liquid soothing my aching throat.

It was empty to soon and Callum must have seen this.

"I'll have more for you soon" he smirked 

"So you know your a witch then" Daniel laughed

"I guess so" I shrugged. 

We talked about stupid stuff all of us, from Daniels obsession with chocolate right now, to how Callums love for Ed Sheeran normal stuff as we sat in the bedroom on our own ignoring everything else or the fact that we were all just waiting to be screwed over...royally.

Daniel left after it got light out, we had talked right through the night. I took a shower quickly feeling disgusting from sleeping, sweating and puking in the same bed for a whole week.

When I got out Callum was glistening in his ungodly hotness the top of his Abercrombie boxers hanging over his love cut pyjama bottoms his v, and abs making my breath catch. I ran to him jumping on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

His touch still felt electric, like it complete me, as corny as that may sound. Our lips touched from the first time since he turned me, it was a hungry kiss, the kiss was wet he sucked on my bottom lip then I kissed down his jaw but he shook his head fighting to get to my lips again.

Our lips crashed as he threw me on my bed he traced my top lip with his tongue asking for entrance I obliged but I fought his tongue with mine but of us fighting for dominance which I won, the whole time my side didn't hurt instead it tingled but I chose to ignore it we were both panting as we lay down beside Callum his arm wrapping round me waist.

"I adore you my bride" he whispered nibbling my ear.

"Uh-huh" I yawned drifting to sleep

Tomorrow I would find answers and I know just where I might find them...and he goes by the name of Ian.

--- x ---

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