Chapter 42

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[A/N] Edit: I MADE A REALLY BIG MISTAKE ERROR THING AND IT WAS REALLY BAD SO I HAD TO FIX IT, IF ANY OF YOU NOTICED, I'M REALLY SORRY! DON'T SAY ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS! Sorry about the caps though, I'm not mad at you guys, just really panicky and hyped from earlier. A lot happened, and I was supposed to fix this earlier today, but said stuff flared up and I only just now got the time to fix it. Thanks for understanding! I should be updating relatively soon.


After a rather large meal that I was unable to finish, I thanked the cook and made my way back to the infirmary with a filled stomach. However, I took my leave before letting the man respond, so I was safe from hearing his cringe-worthy dialect.

It was a rather nice feeling to have eaten so much. The medic was right in her unsaid suspicions; I hadn't eaten a proper meal in the two months I had been nothing but a man... a supposed murderer. Isabel was better off, because if you thought about it, her fox form allowed her to simply hunt for small woodland creatures and consume them raw. She offered to hunt for me, but I kindly declined every offer.

Before I had fully finished my train of thought, I arrived at the room that always had a smell all it's own, and what I saw before me was very pleasing. Everyone was working together to do what the medic desired, and not a harmful word was spat. The prince looked more lively, the natural color of his skin starting to return. Of course, he was still rather pale in his beastly form compared to his human form.

A few people turned to me upon my entrance and cast me a warm smile. Under normal circumstances, I would have ignored them, or simply responded with a small nod, but I instead returned their smiles. They all seemed surprised at the gesture. I would have been as well, had I been in their shoes.

"I take it everyone's getting along well now?"

The medic and a few more people then turned to face me, and the medic chuckled and nodded.

"We certainly are! I've gotten quite a bit done in the time you were gone. However, I still think it would be best if you went and rested for a while. I'm sure you'd be at least a little drowsy after a well-cooked meal, no?"

I let out a small chuckle as well, and a couple more people looked at me in surprise; those who came first just became more so. With all of the wonders occurring before their very eyes, I was astounded to hear not a single question or comment from them.

"Well-cooked is certainly the right terminology. However, I only feel revitalized. Should I ever be needed for assistance, call me over."

The medic gave another small nod and returned to her work. She acted somewhat down, however, as if she had been thoroughly defeated. I let out a stifled sigh, but nevertheless threw myself into the work force. I asked just about everybody if they could use a hand, and about half of them said something along the lines of, "Actually, yes, sir. Would you mind doing this for me?" I had carried heavy loads, looked for things fetching tools and objects, among many other tasks, some pettier than others.

After a long hour or two of lending a hand to whomever I could, I noticed I hadn't been requested by the medic. When I glanced over at her, she was studying the prince and his features intently for the purpose of finding out all she could about him. I was aware that she said nothing of any struggle, but I could already tell she wanted to experiment, but she knew she was unable to, given his state. She looked rather forlorn, but I couldn't pinpoint why. Somehow, it reminded me of Hanji, the kind woman who took care of me when I ran from the manor.

As I thought about her, I was reminded of the note she left for me in the abandoned house. She said something about moving, living somewhere else... Why didn't she tell me where? I wanted so desperately to see her again, to thank her for everything she'd done for me... but that time seemed to have passed. I was certain I would never see her again. Our time together was short, and there was no doubt in my mind we had known each other long enough for contact to remain after she moved.

Some time passed before the medic announced that our work was finished, and that she was proud to be a part of such a hardworking staff. Everyone cheered, excluding myself. Well, I did smile and give applause. I was thankful she seemed much more chipper than before. I still wondered why she looked somewhat troubled, though. So, when the staff dispersed, I stayed behind.

"I hope you don't mind my pointing this out, but... you had a sad look in your eye while you looked at the prince. May I ask why?"

I felt a little idiotic for asking right after the question left my lips. The answer was obvious; it was the prince. Seeing him in such a state would depress anyone, including me, dubbed "The Man with No Heart". However, I was surprised to hear another answer.

"Well... it's just that... after you disappeared, everyone heard the prince call after you. But afterwards, he was wracked with grief, and because of this, he fell out of the tree due to loss of consciousness. I tended to his life-threatening wounds, and had nursed him into stasis. However... he was left unattended for about a half hour. And in that time... he had disappeared.

"At first, we all thought he had been kidnapped. But when the secretary explained to everyone who he really was, it all made sense; he transformed into this beast because of the trauma he suffered. Seeing him in such a similar state now, after all this time... it just brings back sad memories."

With semi-wide eyes at what I had just heard, I hung my head and locked my gaze onto the ground. So he was right... his transformation was my fault. When he fell, it was because I left him. Guilt plagued my very soul. Frankly, I deserved such.

"I apologize. Not only for asking such a question, but for causing everything. Had I dealt with my problems head-on rather than running away from them, nobody would have been hurt, and nobody would have had to suffer because of this. Everything would be as it should... But I ripped that away from everyone; the staff, the prince, and everyone in the country. I'm sure he and I both are in the death threats of many, but I'm the only one who deserves such a fate."

I couldn't see her face, but somehow, I knew she looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"Listen... you're not to blame for this. Nobody is. Something like this was always bound to happen, whether we want to accept that or not. He has it in his DNA; any type of blunt-force trauma, or even mental or emotional trauma, likely would have caused this. Don't blame yourself for the inevitable just because you got caught up in it."

Slowly, I looked up at her. She wore a small smile on her face. I didn't know how, but I had managed to return the smile.

"Thank you for that. I still can't help but feel as if I'm to blame, but... hearing that helps quite a lot."

Her smile widened, as did mine, and she stood. She told me that the prince was in a stable condition, and that he was able to be left alone. I opted to watch over him, in slight fear something would happen, should he be left unattended like in the past. After a few minutes of her telling me I should rest, she dropped her arguments and let me stay.

Looking at the prince as he lay unconscious, I whispered to myself, wishing he could hear my words.

"I'm sorry, Eren... please forgive me. Once you return to normal... if you do... I'll never leave your side again."

The Prince and His Servantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن