Chapter 22

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[A/N] Just to let you all know, I'll be out all weekend, including all of Friday, so I won't be updating or even active during that time. I'll be at WinterFest in Ocean City, Maryland. Shout out to anyone who lives in Ocean City!


Looking into those eyes were the worst decision I ever made. They glowed with pure malice... Not a shred of mercy was found. Only hatred and lies, only betrayal and sorrow. They brought away from his now crimson clothes, his reddened teeth, the way he smiled when he had a taste of their blood on his tongue. His power was beyond that of any human, something none could ever posses. I almost did not speak a word in his presence, but he didn't hesitate at the chance.

"Levi Ackerman, the prince's servant... how long it's been since I've seen you."

His voice was calm, in a way. Though it was plagued by the scratchiness and tone of a demon, it seemed serene. Face contorted to show slight happiness, his smile changed from malevolent to caring. This man... no, rather, this beast... he was familiar with me. This was evident, as he was present at my lowest of lows.

How was it that he knew of my past? How was it that he knew that he and his friend had mercilessly beaten me, harassed me to no end like he had clearly stated? The fact that the leader of the group was one of those very people no longer surprised me, but rather how he knew such a thing. How could a beast like him go unnoticed in a village as... observant as that one?

This also begged the question, what else did this beast know about me? He knew my status and name. He addressed me as "Levi Ackerman, the prince's servant". Of course, if he knew so much of my past and present, why didn't he know that I had ran from my duty and was likely being hunted by the manorial guards?

Many questions swirled through my head, all things I knew I could not easily ask. If I showed too much interest, there was no telling what could happen. I had to protect not only myself, but Isabel, whom I almost forgot I was holding in my arms. I was genuinely surprised at her slumber, though forced, it was. She had not awoken to a single sound, which was remarkable considering just how much noise there had been.

All of these questions, and yet one clawed at me the hardest. Why had he spoken to me in English?!

"Way back when, in that village we used to live in together when we were younger, I always admired you from afar. You'd been through so much, losing those closest to you, and yet you lived on. You endured through everything thrown at you, and managed to climb to the highest honor in the country aside from being a prince or king. First your father, then your mother, and finally, your bastard uncle, all made their way to Heaven. Or Hell, I was never sure what they had done or how they died."

My jaw slackened at his words. He described my life, in such detail, things that I've not told a soul. How had he known this? I do not remember anyone like him. I would have easily sensed his presence. It was strange, though... I kept to myself, always. One exception was present, however. My caretaker was the only person I told anything. Oh, how I missed her kindness... and yet she was secretive as well. She never even told me her name...

"Oh, who am I to speak like this? You know all of this already. You lived it! While I, on the other hand, no matter how curious I was, could never talk to you about it. I watched from afar, wishing I could know you better. I had so many questions, all of which had to be answered by my mother. I assumed she learned from-"

As I listened on, having been dragged out of my thoughts once already, he stopped abruptly. I had been intently picking up signs that would tell me who he was. He had been about to say whom his mother had gotten this information from, when he neglected to tell. I seethed with anger for a few moments. I knew that he was intentionally toying with me.

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