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Hello guys! Thanks for reading this far, commenting and voting. You guys don't know how much it means to me. I joined this website about four years ago because I love reading, and had always had my own little stories but I wasn't brave enough to put them out there, until one day i said, ' yolo' and did it. And to see that there are a couple of you that actually read my stuff, this book in particular, is dope as hell. Thank you so much, even if its not a lot, it is to me. W that being said, I just wanna say that I have went ahead and sketched out the rest of the plot for this book and estimated about nine-ten if i push it- chapters left. Hope you continue reading this book for the remaining chapters  and that you enjoy it, thanks! -sandi x


"Lilith what's wrong? You've been acting all weird ever since we left the store." Lacey said to me in a hushed tone after detective Wolf dropped us off at my house. I looked at his black, glossy car as he drove off, and then straight at the sun above us, the sheering sunlight made my eyes hurt. But at least I had an excuse to make the face I was making.

"I saw Cam."

I heard the sadness in my own voice, and I hated it. Why did I feel this way? Even still? I wanted to forget him, forget us.

It was like a nightmare, and it's pain for me, because no one wants to live like this. I remember the day we met, and its like a dagger to my heart.

"Wait, Cam as in Cam the guy with the sexy blue eyes, and pitch black hair whom stole your freaking heart, Cam?"

I don't know why she was acting like this. Describing him the way I had described him to her. She was only confirming my feelings, those words had come out of my very own mouth after wall.

"Yeah, that Cam."

"Where? At the boutique? I didn't see him?

"Yeah the last one we went to. He walked right by us, and I-I couldn't look away. "

"Did he say anything? Do anything? Did he say 'Hi' at least?" Lacey's voice was now getting under my skin, because it was reflecting the same wariness I wanted to feel, but couldn't.

"No." I looked away from the sun and headed towards my front door,"He didn't say anything. He looked at Wolf, then at you. And then at me. It was a mean look...I think he was mad." I whispered the last words, I knew he was mad.

She followed me inside."Mad? Why would he be ma-"

"I don't want to talk about it."


And if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed. Inside these pages you just hold me. I won't ever let you go.

Ed Sheeran's voice blasted through the ballroom. Yes, ballroom. Our prom was being held in a ballroom. And at first I didn't mind. I didn't care. But then everything started annoying me. My peers in their expensive outfits. The teachers who stood against the walls chaperoning, and even the music. They were all so happy. Even the teachers were in a better place then me. They didn't feel the way I did. They weren't thinking about that someone. Even Ed Sheeran with his romantic lyrics because it was like throwing it in my face. The way I felt about him.

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