Chapter 4 - New Student & Surprises

Start from the beginning

"What took you so Long?" Ann asked me while being dragged. "Next week you and I will be welcoming three new student from London." "Alright. Who?" I stopped dragging and turned to meet her. "No idea. The principal gave me their files to read. They can be very specific." "In other words... Snob?" I laughed. "Well she mention about Emerson Best Friend." Ann looked like she figure something out.

"Oh! I know them! Mom mention them to me before but it's a secret from Emerson." Suddenly Ann grabbed my arms and stopped me from walking away. "Did you apologise to her?" I nodded. "Good. She can be sensitive Nia. Don't make fun of her." I scoffed. "She make fun of me. She didn't tel me about this toilet paper that stuck on my back. I walking around town with it!" Ann laughed. "Well she have her pay back then."

I hit her shoulder and started to walk again. "Let's go to class. I want to end this day already." Ann followed behind me closely. "You know why I hate math?" Ann suddenly asked me. "That's why." She pointed at the group of footballers at the corner. "Well if only they good in playing like they do talking shit about others, then its okay." "Talking shit about others? What do you mean?" Crap! "Nothing. Just being realistic."

We took our seat and waited for the teacher. "Hey Nia... I heard you send an alien to her home. How was that?" I stopped Ann from standing up. She doesn't need anymore warning from the principal. "To planet dork." The whole class laughed. Don't they realise that making fun of a Larove is like a felony. "You all just jealous of her life." I said out loud. Ann chuckled. "Oh no honey. We're rich ourselves."

Series of 'yes' followed after. "True. But... They have more. You... Not really." I bantered. No respond from the so call awesome Football team. "What? Cat got your tongue all of the sudden? Remember Chase. The Willis family practically  just a thrash among all trashy elites in this town. Snobs and suckers who thought they can make it big in the city of angels."

"Are you dating the alien Nia?" Chase asked. "Perhaps." Is all I can say. Mr. Charles entered the class and we all focus on the subject. I'm happy I can shut him up for once. Mr Charles been talking non stop for two hours and I'm bored as fuck. When the bell ring I feel like doing the happy dance and kiss him goodbye. For good! But I didn't. Plus it would be weird.

Ann and I wait for Clare by the lockers. We always wait for her so we could waked towards the girls changing room together. There I would know what's happening in 10 grade. "She's with Peter." Ann announced and I turned to looked at them. I have this disgust for him now. What's the point of dating Clare if he's not going to accept Emerson. For God sake their twins.

"Alright. I'm going to the field now. See yah there babe." They kissed in front of us. "Hey Ann... Nia." He greet and walked away. I noticed Clare is in love with a douchebag. "Come on." I said and started to walk. "Nia. I heard there will be a new students by next week. Is that true?" I nodded. "Do you know them?" I shake my head. "Nope. I have their files so I'm going to read it tonight."

"Please do give us a call." Clare said. "But Clare you know them." Ann said. Clare looked at her older Sister, confused. "I do?" Ann nodded. "It's Kelly, Taylor and Amara." Clare started to laughed. "Seriously? Oh Gosh those girls will make a lot of ruckus." "What do you mean?" I asked. Instantly Justin Bieber song playing in my head. I shake it off and focus on Clare.

"Those three... Well I don't know how Emerson can friends with them. They all the apposite of her. You will understand what I mean at when you read their files." Clare chuckled. "I will read them." I said and begin to stripped my dress off. I unzipped my bag and reached for my uniform. After a couple of minutes we all in the gym, practicing for the pep rally. I smiled when my new routine is going to perfection.

I'm positive with all the stunts and sexy move, everyone will be excited for the season. As we finished our last move, everyone lay down on the cold gym floor and Father their breath again. I, on the other hand, drinking from my water bottle. "Nia! This routine! Kicks ass!" Perrie said. "Well I hope so." I snickered. After a couple of minutes, I decided to go to the locker room and take a short shower.

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