Everyone had been congratulating the newly wed couple, so it had taken me a long while to finally see my sister and let her know that I was over joyed for her. When I finally caught sight of her though, I couldn't help but let a few tears lose. She was 26, she was married, and she was happy with a man who adored the hell out of her. Why wouldn't I have been happy?

"Thank you so much, love! You look beautiful by the way." She gestured to my plain light pink dress. 

"I look beautiful?! You look like you've just walked out of a GQ magazine! I can't begin to describe how amazing you look Sacari." I gushed.

"Well thank you anyway. Where's your friend, I thought he came with you." She asked, looking over my shoulder.

"He did, he's just using the washroom real quick." 

"Well anyway, I should get going, nan's about to make a speech." she rolled her eyes with a laugh.

I nodded and sat at my family's table again, which consisted of my mother and my grandma. Just us three and I wouldn't change it for the world.  Even though I had only arrived in London four days ago, I had managed to do a few activities besides helping my sister and Zac out with the wedding. I managed to do a little sight-seeing, visit the beach, and even re-kindle with an old friend a day ago. There would be no words for me to describe the feeling of when I'd seen Kingsley Oakland looking as bored as ever in an ASDA that had been near by. As if on cue, he walked out of the washroom.

"Have I missed anything?" he asked, sitting back down next to me.

"No, but once my grandma's done making her speech we can go sneak a few cupcakes and some of that chocolate mousse." I beamed.

"Sounds like a plan." 

Minutes flew by, and my grandma's speech was making my eyes wetter with each word. We were a family of four women, each of us very independent in a society, yet dependent on one another. But it was finally time for my sister to rid off her Sandford name and into Johnson, and no one really was against the idea. We loved Zac, and he was like the brother I never had.

When she had finally finished, we clapped as she sat down, taking that as the signal for Kingsley and I to go and fill our stomachs. 

"So when do you leave?" Kingsley asked as he poured a bit of the sparkling water.

"Three days."

"That's cool, then we can still hang out a lot. I'm here on Spring break, so I leave in a week or so." 

"That sounds fun! What are you majoring in at your uni?" I responded.

"Computer, animation, that kind of digital stuff. What about you? I never got the chance to ask. I graduate this year though." he shrugged.

"Oh, I graduated last year. I only took four years in photography. So now I work for Elle Magazine and it allows me to travel and photograph things. I just started."

"That's awesome. Where have you been so far?"

"Well the company's in New York, so Iv'e started out with California and Miami. But I'm thinking next of going to Malta or something exotic like Hawaii."

"You sound like you love your job. Congratulations." he smiled.

"Thanks. We should definitely keep in touch though. It's been seven years Kingsley. Last I saw you, I was sixteen."

"I know, and we will. This is my last year in uni and I got and I'm thinking of settling in the states, where my girlfriend is." 

"Congrats to you too. Nerdy Kingsley's got him self a wife." I laughed.

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