Chapter Thirty-nine: Wrong

Start from the beginning

This was wrong.

"I-is that Ty?"

He heard voices from behind.


He heard footsteps that turned from walking to running. Towards him. Towards "Ty".

He realized another thing at that moment.

He didn't like being mistaken for Ty anymore. Ty wasn't his name and it didn't fit him and the man it belonged to did not have the same personality as him or the same interests as him. In fact, Onity and Ty were two very different people.

His name was Onity. Not OniTy or Oni Ty. His name was no longer a fusion, at least not to him, but a name all of it's own. A name that...that seemed very fimiliar to him as well. He didn't know why. It was the only name he could remember having, granted he did wake up on the floor of the mansion bleeding with no memory of his past at all. He was sure he had a name, but that name, he was sure, no longer existed.

He was sure.

"Ty! Are you okay!?" Said a voice he did not recognize. The footsteps stopped and Onity turned at last. He needed to focus on his new targets.

Hwnt and Sketch.

"Dude, what's wrong with your eye?" Sketch asked upon seeing the purple glow. "Is that what you've been keeping under all that hair?"

Hwnt got the message though. He stopped Sketch from approaching the man and stepped back. There was something about the man they called Ty that was off and Hwnt, normally pretty oblivous to things, could see it. He also used to hang out with Ty more then Sketch. He knew that the way Onity stood was different from the way Ty stood and the face that Onity made was different from the one Ty made, even when the face was the same. If this confuses you, everyone can have the same canvas, it's what they do with it, in this case their body language, that is different.

Onity wasn't even trying to act like Ty anymore. He was acting as himself.

"That's not Ty." Hwnt hissed to Sketch.

"And I have new guests. As the host, I do believe I should introduce myself." Onity said, shaking his negative thoughts away. He stretched his arms, and then held both his arms open from his side, his hands becoming claws and the skin darkening up to his elbow.

"My name's Onity."

Hwnt and Sketch stepped back, fear appearing on their faces. Those claws looked really dangerous.

"Heh, you wouldn't happen to own a key and lock system for hotels now do you?" Sketch awkwardly laughed.

"Sketch, shut up!" Hwnt pushed Sketch.

Onity wasn't sure how to respond at that, but then he got an idea. He noticed the doorway behind them. There was a door. A room. He grinned. With a zap in the air, he teleported them into that room. It was the room he'd killed Bodil in in the first loop, only the room was almost empty of furniture. The door was open, but with another movement of air and magic, the door slammed shut. There was the sound of a lock.

"I wouldn't say I run a business, but this place is sorta like a hotel, and it most definitely has a key and lock system that I control." He replied.

"Fuck!" Sketch suddenly jumped, running back to the door. He tried to open it. He tried to break it. Hwnt kept his eyes on Onity, although he wanted to join Sketch.

"So what are you going to do with us?" Hwnt asked, his heart pounding. "Kill us?"

Onity just shrugged. "That was the plan."

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