He could hear her. A very faint call of his name. Where was it coming from? He was on the bridge of the Waverider. He started searching the ship. "Sara! Keep yelling! I'm trying to find you!"

"Leonard! I'm here!" Sara yelled.

"Where are you?" Leonard yelled back.

"I'm here, Leonard. Find me!"

He turned a corner down a hallway and heard her yell again. He turned his head to a door that actually led to her quarters. How quaint, he thought. "I'm coming!" 

"Hurry, we're running out of time!" Sara yelled.

The door opened and he saw her, reaching out her hand. He smiled triumphantly. "Not on my watch, White Canary!" He took her hand and held on tight. It then felt like gravity and science were trying to pull them apart again, but she held on tighter and so did he. Their eye contact never broke.

A tear trickled down her cheek. "Don't let go," she whispered.

"Never again, blondie," Leonard replied, and winked at her. With that, Sara pulled on his hand with great force and he was suddenly back in the real world. He looked around and saw that he was in STAR Labs. 

"HEY!" Everyone yelled in triumphant greeting to welcome him back. 

He was first met by Mick's massive bear hug that almost suffocated him. And as soon as he let him go, he was met by everyone else, patting him on the shoulder, and gripping the back of his neck. In that moment, he only wanted to see one person. Everyone stepped back and parted like the Red Sea and at the end, he saw Sara. Tears shimmered on her cheeks in apparent happiness, but she wasn't moving to be near him. So, he walked over to her and took her face into his hands. "You brought me back," he whispered.

"I had to," Sara replied. "It was the right thing to-" She was interrupted by Leonard's kiss to her mouth. She could hear cheering and cat calls in the background from the rest of the team, but all she cared about was his wonderful kiss. He forced her mouth to open and she felt his breath enter her mouth, giving her renewed life. He tugged at her bottom lip, her upper lip, and then just pressed his mouth to hers, lovingly. When he pulled back, releasing her, her face felt totally flushed and she smiled. "That was some 'thank you'," she said, still smiling.

"Yeah, well, that was a long overdue kiss anyway," he replied, pressing his forehead to hers. He kissed her again. Damn, he loved feeling her lips on his. Her kiss was perfection. When she had kissed him before she left him with the Oculus, he knew that he would want to keep kissing her for the rest of his life. When he pulled back again, he faced the team. "Shall we get outta here and celebrate?" Everyone cheered. Leonard thanked Cisco for helping save his life. "Seriously, thank you, Cisco."

"Don't mention it," he replied.

"If you ever need anything, I'm your guy. You got it?"

"Yeah. I got it." 

Leonard shook Barry's hand and then took Sara's hand in his. Before they left, they were stopped by Mick.

"Hey! Snart!"

Leonard turned around in search of Mick. "What is it, Mick?"

Mick approached Snart with the cold gun in his hands. "I think this belongs to you."

Leonard let go of Sara's hand to take the cold gun. He stared at it as if he had really come home. "Hello, old friend." He looked up at Mick. "Thank you." Mick nodded. Turning back around, he took Sara's hand once more. "Let's go."

Back on the Waverider, Leonard looked around and knew that this place reminded him of the other world now, but he now knew that it was the real world. It felt better being back on the real ship. It wasn't an empty feeling anymore. It felt right, especially since Sara was a part of this world. Over the next couple of hours, the team passed around a couple bottles of bourbon. Before they got too drunk, everyone turned in for the night. Leonard walked Sara to her room and kissed her at her door. "Good night." As he walked down the hall toward his room, Sara called out to him.


He turned around. "Yeah?"


Leonard walked back to her. "What is it?" he asked, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek.

Sara was about to succumb to that feeling that she was quickly falling in love with. She gathered her courage. "Will you stay with me, tonight?" A surprised look spread across his face. "Oh, no. Not like that. I just... I've had to sleep alone for the past week and a half, thinking that you were dead, and I can't bear it if I sleep alone one more night." His face softened. "Just hold me, please? I don't want to be alone anymore." 

A tear trickled down her cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. "Of course, I will, Sara." She smiled. Placing a hand on her back, he led her to her bed. "Come on," he said, urging her to get under the covers. He lay next to her on top of the blanket and wrapped his arm around her waist, his torso pressed into her back.

"Aren't you cold? Don't you wanna be under the blanket?" Sara asked.

He smiled. "You forget. I looooove the cold." He giggled.

"Ahh, yes. I remember. Well, at least you'll keep me warm," she said.

"Yes, I'll keep you warm. Go to sleep, Sara." He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand again. It seemed to calm her instantly. "I'm here. And I'll never leave you again."

As he embraced her from behind, Sara fell asleep in her world of bliss. It was the first time she actually slept all through the night.

***Seriously guys, some of my best writing, yet! I loved writing this part! Oh man!!!! Please comment!! I will post a new part soon!! Stay tuned!***

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