Comments Can Break Someone ***Paige***

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  • Dedicated to To The People Who Read This!

I really want to thank you all for ONE HUNDRED reads on only three parts. :'-) You all make me happy. Oh, yeah, if you are reading this post #ILOVEDANCEMOMS on meh message board. :D


  I am used to it.

  Used to being called names.

  But today, hearing it from FIVE people really bothered me. How would you like it if you were called these names? Yeah, that's what I thought. 'Blondie', 'You', and for Chloe and I 'The Other Two.'

  You all think I am bubbly and happy and think my life is perfect. You people make me LAUGH. If you think that I actually enjoy this, then you are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG.

  I am Paige Hyland. Queen Of Losers. And over there is Maddie, Queen Of Favoritism. Mackenzie is Princess Of Favoritism. And I am sitting back, watching their show.

  It was never about me.

  And this is going to be PROVING that no one, except Brooke and my twinnie Chloe, likes me. Not even my stupid dance teacher. Just us three.

  And Maddie?

  I don't even know her anymore.

-At My House-

I   walked outside into my backyard. My pool was covered, which made me very sad. Chloe followed suit behind me and sunk into one of our chairs outside. The wind blew against our faces and a few laves fell.

  Chloe sighed and placed her feet on the glass table. I sat down next to her while shoving my hands in my pockets. Chloe looked at the gray sky. She turned to me and played with my hair.

  It felt really awkward today. We weren't really... being ourselves. Maybe it was because of what had happened yesterday with Abby and Gianna. We were called lazy. Maybe we were being lazy right now, sitting outside in the cold, but other times we were active.

  Chloe got up and went over to the little patch of grass we had in our backyard. She did an aerial, a few leaps, and a turn sequence. She stopped and pointed at me. "Your turn."

  I giggled, knowing that she wanted to do one of our little 'dance-offs'. We go back and forth dancing, then, the person who runs out of moves loses. Chloe always beats me, but today I am proving her wrong.

  I did a leap and started to bust out 'hip-hop' moves. They made me look like a clown and a fool. I spun around on my heel, took the strands of my suspenders, jut them out, and pointed at Chloe who was hysterically laughing.

  "Wait, let me catch my breath," she breathed, still giggling. She did part of her number from last week. She placed SEVENTH, instead of what should have been FIRST. I don't mean to brag, but I thought I should have placed higher, also.

  I walked onto the grass and did my solo. It was my favorite part. "Turn, leap, aerial, and JUMP! Split, point to the audience, wink, and BAM!" I shouted out, immitating Miss Abby. Chloe laughed again. Was I really being that bad?

  "You-you won..." she giggled. I looked at her in shock and placed a hand on my hip, smiling. She shrugged her shoulders and pulled down her jacket. She walked over to the door and pulled it open. "I say we go in and have some hot chocolate!"

  I smiled and nodded my head. We ran inside and I got to the Keurig first. I put in the K-Cup and a BIG mug underneath. I watched the hot drink pour out perfectly, just the way I like it. When it was done, I put on some whipped cream and a mint leaf. Chloe did the same. We sat down at the table and started to drink the hot content.

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