"She's great. I think she's finally found her match." I say, smiling at the thought of Brie and Roman.

"That's great. She deserves it." He says.

I nod.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask.

"You know you can tell me anything Dean." He says.

I nod again "A Wolf stole my heart."

His eyes go wide "A wolf?!"

Another Nod.


"The crazy thing is, he's the one I've told you about. Seth Rollins."

A Smile forms on my face as soon as I say the Cutie's name.

"How did that happen?"

"I was being Nosey and dipped into his thoughts, found out he liked me." I say.

He smiles widely and attacks me in a hug. A tight one at that.

"Dean Ambrose finally can feel!" He exclaims.

I push him off of me with a laugh "Yeah yeah yeah."

Dean? Can you by chance hear me?

I look around, knowing who those thoughts belonged to.

"What are you looking for?" Sami asks me.

"Seth?" I call out.

How is it when I don't want you to be in my mind, you are, but then when I do want you in my mind, you aren't?

"I can hear you Cutie! Where are you?"

"Is he talking to you?" Sami asks.

I nod "He's thinking. But I don't think he can hear me."

This is Bullshit. I shouldn't have come here, I can get hurt..

"I won't let anyone hurt you.." I mumble, knowing he can't hear me.

"I'll go look for him." Sami offers.

I shake my head quickly ''No, he doesn't know you. You'll scare him."

I don't even know If you live here. Not like I can knock on every door and ask. By the second house I'll be hanging on a Vampires wall.

I chuckle at his thoughts.

I walk up to the window and peek my head out of it. I look around until I spot who I'm looking for. I smile.

Dean, I feel like you can hear me and I'm being played with.. If this is a joke, this isn't funny! Nobody knows I'm here, I can't get any help if I get attacked.

"I'm gonna go get him Sami. Stay here."

"Yeah you should."

Dean Jonathan Ambrose, this isn't funny!

I use my quick speed and stand behind the cutie with my arms folded across my chest.

"I couldn't find you Cutie."

He turns around quickly and jumps back.

"You scared me Dean!" He yells pushing me back a couple steps.

"I wouldnt let anybody hurt ya. I'd have to kill someone before they touch you." I say, pulling his warm body into my cold arms.

"Then kill Jimmy." He mumbles.

I pull away and grab his face in my hands "Excuse me?"

He avoids eye contact.

Jimmy better not have put his hands on Seth.

"Never mind." He mumbles.

"No. Look at me and repeat yourself." I order.

He looks at me and his eyes grow slightly wide "Your eyes are red Dean."

"What did Jimmy do to you?" I ask, trying to contain the anger building up.

"He just choked me Dean, please calm down." He begs, placing his hands on top of mine.

"I can't! I'm gonna kill him!" I yell.

"That's not needed Dean."

"He hurt you. He put his filthy hands on Brie And now you?! He's not getting away with this."

Nobody puts there hands on what's mine.

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