53 - Fifty Three.

334 28 3

Brie Bella

"Get up!"

Ugh. I don't want to get up.

I grab the end of my blanket and pull it over my face as I groan. The blanket gets pulled off of me and I feel a pair of cold hand grab ahold of mine, stopping me from grabbing the blanket again.

"Hell nah, get up you lazy ass mutt."

So help me if you don't get the fuck off me.

I hear that deep laugh and the cold hands let mine go.

"You ain't gonna do shit."


"You won't."

Your right, I won't.

I ball up my right hand and open my eyes. I swing my fist as hard as I can, hitting Dean right on his left cheek. He hisses and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Keep fucking with me Jackass." I say before closing my eyes again.

"You know it takes a lot for me to feel pain. You have a powerful right hand you fucking Mutt." He says.

"Thanks you fucking bloodsucker." I reply smartly.

I open my eyes again and smile as Dean rubs his cheek and pouts.

"Get up, its Roman's birthday."

I prop myself up on my elbows with a wide smile on my face. Its my baby's birthday!

I jump up and grab ahold of Dean's hand, pulling him our of my bedroom.

"Now you want to get up?!" He yells as I pull him.

"Its my baby's birthday!" I yell happily.

"Your not even dressed!"

"You can come back and grab me something, you know what I like."

I pull Dean out of the house, still smiling like and idiot.

Time to get this show on the road.


"Decorations are done babe." Dean says to Seth.

"Frosting the cake right now." I say.

"I invited everyone." Seth states.

"Where is my birthday boy anyways?" I ask.

"With Jimmy. He agreed to distract Roman for a while." Seth says.

"Twin number two and four in the house!"

I recognize my sisters voice instantly as I hear a door slam shut.

"Twin number 1 is in here!" I yell.

"Two number 3 is with the birthday boy!" Dean yells.

Nikki and Jey come walking in together with two wrapped boxes in there hands.

"Got the big guy some presents." Jimmy says, holding his present in the air.

"Put them on the table please." Seth says.

"Hello? I just noticed nobody ever knocks when walking into this house!"

I bust out laughing at Chris's statement. Its true, we never knock.

"Just come in!" Nikki yells, laughing as well.

Chris walks into the kitchen with a gift bag in hand and huge smile on his face.

"Okay, someone needs to let Jimmy-"

"He's on his way babe." Dean says, wrapping his arms around Seth.

I toss the knife in the sink and move the cake from the counter to the table, smiling as well.

"Done." I say proudly.

Seth smiles "Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without ya Brie."

"No problem."

"There coming up to the door." Dean announces.

We all stand there, smiling as we here the front door open.

"Jimmy, I can't see anything!" I hear Roman yell as the door closes.

"Shut up Uce." Jimmy says back.

"This isn't funny!"

"Shut up, I got you!"

"You'll run me into a wall!"

"Don't test me!"

I cover my mouth as I laugh, silencing it so Roman can't hear. Jimmy leads a blind folded Roman into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face.

Roman sniffs the air "I smell food, perfume and cologne. Where are we?"
"Brie's house. She's sleeping with Dean." Jimmy says.

My mouth drops open as I stare at Jimmy with wide eyes.

"What the fuck?!"

Roman smells the air again "oh yeah, I can smell him. Where's Seth?! Take this shit off my eyes!"

"If you say so."

Jimmy pulls the blindfold from Roman's eyes and his eyes go wide when he see's us all.

"Happy Birthday!" We all yell in unison.

Roman doesn't say as word.

"Roman?" Seth questions.

Dean snaps his fingers "Ro?"

Roman looks around "Y-You guys did this for M-Me?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Nikki asks.

I walk up to Roman slowly. I stand face to face with him as he looks down at me with wide eyes.


Roman wraps His arms around me quickly and holds me tightly.

"I really thought you were..  Oh my god." He mumbles, rocking us back and forth slowly.

"I wouldn't do that to you big guy."

"I can't believe you guys did this.. For me."

I shrug "We love you."

"That we do." Jey says.

"Happy Birthday Baby. I love you." I whisper.

"Thank you baby, I love you to."

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