44- Forty Four

335 21 3

Brie Bella

"How are ya feeling big guy?" Seth asks, smiling at Roman.

Doctor Styles told us that Roman is having troubles remembering certain things. He has no idea what Dean is, He only remembers Seth from when Seth was 14 and when he was 17. He doesn't have any idea that Me and him are dating. He thinks he's still crushing on me and I'm still 'ignoring' him. The doctor told us not to push him into remembering anything, that he'll remember on his own.

"I'm okay, I guess." Roman replys, shrugging.

"That's good." Seth says, smiling still.

"Do they know when you'll be up and on your feet again?" Dean asks, sticking his hands in his pockets.

Whatever you do, don't touch him Dean. He'll know what you are.

Dean nods and takes a step back, moving away from Roman. I hate to make it seem like he can't be around Roman, we just can't throw it on him if he can't remember who he is. Or what he is.

"Hopefully soon, I hate not being up to be up and moving around." He mumbles.

He looks around the room with forrowed eyebrows. His eyes stop on his nightstand, looking at the couple picture frames he has sitting there. One has a picture of Seth and Him in it, both smiling at each other. Another has one of the day the four of us were in the field, playing catch with the football. Nikki took the picture. The last one is of Me and Him. He has his arms wrapped around my waist, smiling down at me, my own arms are wrapped loosly around his neck with my head tilted slightly while a big smile is on my face.

"Is it bad that I don't remember those?" Roman asks.

I frown "No, its okay."

"But its not.. We all looked so.. Happy. You guys remember that.. I don't."

My frown deepens as my heart shatters. I feel so bad for him, He can't remember those good times we've had recently. He can't remember much and it hurts me. It breaks my heart..

"Ro, its okay.. Your memory will come back soon." Seth says.

"And if It doesn't? What happens then?" Roman questions.

I walk up to the side of his bed and gently grab his chin in my hand, lifting his face up so he can look at me.

"Then we help you remember. We'll relive the shit if we have to Roman." I say.

He slowly lifts his hand up, putting it on top of mine.

"C-Can I?" He asks, his voice coming out hushed.

I let go of his chin and intertwine our fingers slowly.

"Of course you can."

"C'mon Cutie, let's give them some time." I hear Dean say from behind me.

"We'll stop by later, okay big brother?" Seth says.

Roman nods slowly, not breaking the eye contact we have.

"We love you."

"I love you guys to.." Roman mumble, not sure of his words.

I hear the door open, then close slowly. I stay where I'm at, not moving. Not breaking the eye contact. Brown meeting Grey, making me feel the connection we have. The love we once shared. The love I still have for him.

"C-Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Of course."

He takes a deep breath, squeezing my hand slightly "Did.. Did you love me?"
I smile "Yeah, I did."

"Do-Do you still love me?"

I nod "Of course."

He smiles, showing his beautiful white teeth.

"Right now, even though you can't remember, do you love me?" I ask.

He furrows his eyesbrows and tilts his head slightly, thinking about my question. I sigh softly and let my thumb run across the back of his hand gently, silently telling him its okay.

"I.. I think I do?" He says, sounding more like a question.

"Its okay if you can't remember.. We can take our time with this okay?"

He slowly nods "O-Okay."

"Just know I love you okay? I know you don't remember just yet, but like i said, we can relive it again.. I wouldn't mind that."

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