A Cold Presence

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I felt a pillow connect to my face and my eyes shot open. 

"For fuck's sake Lana!" I shouted as she fell back, doubling over in laughter. 

While she was down, I took the opportunity to send a pillow her way. She let out a shriek as it made impact with her face. 

"You little slut!" she yelped. 

I let out a triumphant laugh as I got up. We heard my mother calling up for her to come downstairs, because her parents were coming to pick her up due to an emergency. Her face blanched as she quickly went into the bathroom and changed out of her pajamas and into her extra set of clothes. By the time we got downstairs, her parents were already there waiting for her and told her that thy had to go because her grandfather suffered a heart attack this morning so they had to go to the hospital. She quickly said her goodbyes and thanked my parents for letting her sleepover. My mother gave her a hug and reassured her that everything would be okay with her grandpa. She smiled and left with her parents right behind her. 

So that just left me, Jaden and Jason. Just as the twins were waking up, I got up to go to the bathroom to freshen up. I told them about why Lana had to leave and then I headed into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and came out of my room to get my towel to take a bath. Walking into the bathroom, I relax as I turn the shower on and feel the warm water hit my body.  I finished up and got out with my towel around my waist. I got dressed in some blue jeans and a white t-shirt and walked back into my room, slipping on the ring Lana got me. Jaden took a spare towel from my wardrobe and went into the bathroom to freshen up. I sat down on my bed going through Facebook and talking to Jason before we headed down for breakfast. Jaden came out of the shower, got dressed in a purple t-shirt and black jeans and we all went down for breakfast after Jason took a bath and got dressed in all black.

It was Sunday so we decided that we'd go to the lake on the outskirts of town in the woods and make a day of it. My parents were okay with it, as long as I was home before seven because school tomorrow. I rolled my eyes and said okay as we went up to pack our stuff. Since it was a last minute plan, the twins borrowed swim trunks from me, since they didn't have theirs. I mean I had an abundance of them, since I did swimming as an extra-curricular activity.

We packed some sandwiches, and a six pack of coke, grabbed our towels and trunks, and were off in the twins car, with Jason driving and Jaden in shotgun, which meant he was controlling the music. I groaned as I heard Roman Holiday start playing, which meant he was playing his favorite album of all time, 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.'

"Jaden, do we really have to put up with this for the entire trip," I whined.

"Um, excuse me, but who's in shotgun? Me. And what are our rules about driving? Whoever is in shotgun controls the music. So sit your bitch ass down quietly and enjoy," he sassed at me.

I stuck out my tongue at him and leaned back on the seat muttering curses under my breath. He leaned back in his seat, rapping along perfectly to Nicki. I thanked my lucky stars when half hour later, I saw the water glinting in the sunshine up ahead. We parked on the edge of the gravel trail that lead toward the lake and got our stuff out of the car. How do I explain the lake to encompass all it's beauty. Firstly the surrounding woods are beautiful in their own way. Tall trees, rising in all their magnificence around an oval shaped lake. The water was still and undisturbed, giving the illusion of a huge mirror, reflecting the sunlight, lighting up the place in a bright, seraphic glow, as if angels themselves were roaming the surrounding area. There was a cluster of rocks at one end of the lake, that served as the perfect sitting place. Soft, lush grass grew around it and the place was always alive with the sounds of the wildlife around. It was a perfect place to get away from the bustle of the town and it was my favorite place ever to visit. It always made me feel as peace and in tune with nature. We lay our belongings down on the rocks, and sat around eating a few of the sandwiches we packed.

We got up and stripped down, putting on our swim trunks. I ran to the edge of the lake and did a back flip into the water, letting out a whoop as I landed into the cool water. I wiped my face as I came up from under the water. The twins let out joint shouts as they catapulted themselves into the lake. We swam laps around the perimeter of the lake and then we just floated around in the water for a bit, until Jason decided to have a wrestling match in the water. I grabbed his head and dunked it under the water.  He let out a shriek as his head went down under. Jaden was on the side, laughing his ass off as Jason pulled me down under with him. When we both got back above water, we gave each other evil smirks and crept up behind Jaden and pulled him under water as he gave a shrill scream. We all got back up to the surface laughing and splashing water while grabbing and tugging at each other.

All of a sudden, I felt a shiver running down my spine and a chill feeling seeped into my bones. I shivered and looked over my back but there was nothing there. As fast as it came, the feeling was gone. I shrugged it off and resumed playing with the guys. We got out of the water and sat down on the rocks. We lounged around, eating our sandwiches and drinking coke, as we joked and talked until we were full. I got up and stretched my hands out, which Jason and Jaden took advantage of. They tackled me to the floor and Jason tugged off my swim trunks and dumped me in the water. Laughing, Jason ran off around the lake while I stayed in the water because if I came out  would be seen in the nude. Not that I'm ashamed of what I have to offer, but because of the undignified way in which I lost my clothes. Suddenly I felt as though the temperature around me dropped to freezing as the same cold presence returned. I shivered and looked at the bank where Jason was still running around with my trunks. They didn't seem to be affected by the coldness. 

As if pulled by an invisible hand, Jason suddenly fell down, and my trunks flew out of his hands and into the water. I swam across quickly and grabbed it, pulling it on in the water. I got out and the cold feeling was gone. I walked over to Jason and kicked him. We all hung out for a while again and then we decided to dry up and head back home. The twins dropped me off and collected their belongings before saying their goodbyes. I made my way back up to my room and collapsed onto my bed, instantly passing out, without changing into my pajamas or removing my ring.


Fires flared up on either side of the throne as the demon seated roared in outrage. His blood red eyes gleamed in the flames as he looked through the fire and observed the events at the lake. The cold presence Kayden felt around him, was none other than the demon lord, keeping an extra close eye on him today. He felt a feeling of immense rage filling him when he saw that foolish boy pull off Kayden's trunks and run off. He swept his hand through the flames and felt it clasp around the boy, Jason's foot. He tugged and the boy fell down as he willed the trunks to fly into the water. Everything about the events of today had him furious. The way those boys touched Kayden and the way Kayden allowed them to and the way he touched them. Around him in his throne room were his servants and guards. The walls of the throne room were bone white with drawings and markings of gruesome images and demonic incantations. Columns of fused bones rose to the ceiling which had a ruby chandelier hanging from a pair of clasped and gnarled hands, bathing the room in a red glow.

The throne itself was an object of strange beauty. A huge obsidian chair, with hand rests made of white bone and human arms joining at the top of the throne where a single gem glistened. Flames licked the sides of the throne from the braziers on the sides. The demon lord was rigid in his seat as he watched it all.

"My lord-" one of his servants began, but never finished as the demon lord extended his hands which white hot lightning bolts flew from, incinerating the small lesser demon on the spot.

He observed as Kayden was dropped off and went to his room falling asleep. He smiled, revealing his razor teeth.

He snapped his finger as his personal attendant appeared at his side.

"Make sure I am not bothered tonight. I have personal business to attend to," he said.

"Yes my lord," the demon replied meekly.

"I have to enter the dream realm again and go into Kayden's dream sphere once more. If I am bothered, your head will be on a spike in front the castle walls. Do you hear me?"

The lesser demon bowed low and replied shakily, "Yes my lord Asmodeus."

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