Chapter 1 (Ella's Story)

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"ELLA!". My head jolted up, shocked at the sudden change in sound.  "Ella! Get down here.  There's someone who wants to meet you."  Here we go again.  Another family that wants to "adopt" me.  I say that sarcastically because they never actually keep me.  They always get fed up with the lack of communication.  They think they can change me.  I guess I should let you in on what I'm talking about, or rather thinking about.  I'm mute.  I've been mute since the age 9 when the abuse started.  My mum and my dad had been great until one night when my dad came home drunk from the bar. 
He slammed the door on his way in.  My mum had been worried sick the whole night because she didn't know where dad was.
"Where were you?!" My mum screamed.
"None of your damn business!" My dad slurred his words.  He was drunk.  I cowered in the corner of the living room as my dad stepped towards my mum and they started yelling in each others faces.  All of a sudden my dad shoved mum back and she stumbled and then fell.  My dad stomped out of the room in anger as my mum lay unconscious on the floor.
*End of flashback*
That's how it all started.  My dad would beat me and my mum until one day when my mum couldn't take it anymore and killed herself.  I watched her.  That's when the muteness started.  My dad continued to beat me.  When I was 14 he got arrested for drinking and driving but was also charged with child abuse, illegal drug use, and tons more.  He was sentenced to prison for life.  I was sent to an orphanage.  I've been here for a year and a half now.  And I'm almost 16.  I got up from my chair and went downstairs.  Miss Joplin guided me to her office where a couple sat.  One was a gorgeous woman, fit to be a model.  The other- wait is that Ashton Irwin?
"Ella, I'd like you to meet Ashton and Bryanna Irwin.  They are interested in adopting you."
I looked over at the couple who had wide smiles on their faces.  They looked genuine.  I hadn't seen a genuine smile in years.  "Erm... Ella's mute.  We've talked to a therapist and the therapist believes it has something to do with her past.  We only have limited information about it.  Ella, sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and pack your suitcase while I speak to Mr. And Mrs. Irwin yah?" I nodded and walked back upstairs.  I assumed Miss Joplin would tell them about what happened to my parents and more about why I was mute.  The reason people thought they could change me is because they thought I was choosing to be mute.  But to be honest it wasn't really a choice anymore.  At first it was out of fear.  I used to think if I even uttered a word my dad would kill me.  Literally.  But then when I got to the adoption center, I was very shy and didn't want to talk to anyone.  Now it isn't even a choice anymore.  Since its been almost seven years, I don't think I even remember how to speak.  And no matter how hard I try, I can't force any words out of my mouth.  I can laugh though.  That's a good thing.  Laughing would keep me happy until I had to go back to the adoption center when this couple decided it was to much work to try and get me to talk.  I finished packing and threw on a pink t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my white converse.  I tied my hair into a pony tail and added a pink bow that matched my shirt.  I was actually really into girly things despite how I act.  I walked down to Miss Joplin's office and prepared myself for the road ahead.
Hey! So I know this chapter is kinda short, but since it was the first chapter I didn't want to add to much.  This actually just more of an "about Ella" chapter.  The real action starts to happen in the next chapter ;) anyyyywayyyyssss i hope you guys have a wonderful day or evening whenever you are reading this, and don't forget to give this chapter a like and a comment <3

P.S. The first few chapters are kind of rough but eventually they get longer and better written so if you could just bare with me here it gets better.

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