Who is this Hannah? What is she, or what was she to Kid? They know each other, but from where? I need to investigate. For no one's sake but my own. 

Ah, but first, a little stress reliever. 

Getting to Gallows Manor, I do my best to find the ball room, and, believe it or not, took me half an hour to find, but it was all worth it to come face to face with a polished grand piano. It's been centuries since I've played, since I've even thought about playing. Then again, it's been centuries since I've been so worked up. After everything I've done and that's happened, I haven't felt as much tension within me for as long as I can remember.

I take a deep breath, sit down, reveal the keys, and play my worries away.


After a few hours of playing, Kid, Connor and that thing (Hannah) finally arrive. Hearing the front door close made my hands slip and random notes play together making an ear damaging sound.

"Sheesh, if you're going to play the piano, at least learn how to!" Hannah growls as she walks in with her arm linked with Kid's.

Whoa, they're too close for comfort. I wish I could just swat at her like a fly!

Connor follows them in and as soon as he sees me, he makes an effort to link us telepathically.

'Are you alright?'  he asks.

'Yep. Definitely.' I reply sarcastically.

Kid sends me a warm smile, which I refuse to return. While he has that bimbo hanging off of him I wish not to be around. Not until i know who she is, and I don't mean her name. I know that already. I mean background check.

"I'm going to bed." I announce, already making my way past Kid.

"Wait, but, Sam," Kid says in a voice mixed with disappointment, and one that sounds let down, "You just woke up. Surely we could stay up and talk? A lot has happened while you were away." He chuckles lightly, and I really want to say yes, because I don't even remember the last time him and I had a full conversation. To me it feels like yesterday but it must have been maybe, three months for Kid. Around that long. He probably has questions about what I did back there, when i saved his life and sacrificed myself. I should have died, but I'm alive, so must be aching to ask. It would be nice to talk to him, but... He seems a little preoccupied sorting out her royal highness' living quarters.

"Maybe later, I'm feeling a little unwell."

I apologise to him and rush off to the room I share with Connor. I could sense the smirk Hannah pulled as I walked off. I could feel her evil mastermind eyes burning holes into my back, and just the mere thought made me shiver. I don't want her here. She's trouble, I know it. The evil radiates off her like the smell does with garbage. 

She could hurt everyone in this household, especially Kid, for the simple fact that their close. If she does anything, I'm willing to put up a fight and stop her. I'll do anything to protect the ones I care about.

I hear the footsteps follow me up the stairs. Connor. I stop at the doorway to our room. Oh my. Things have changed. Two dressers, and am I mistaken, but is that clothing? Why is there clothing? I don't own clothing. Neither does Connor. Never mind that, why is there a teddy bear on my bed? Wait! I see what's going in here.

That perfect goodie two shoes of a brat blondie moved in here already, didn't she? Taking my room?! 

"Kid bought us some things while you were gone. He even picked out that bear especially for you." Connor smirks entering our room and flinging himself onto his bed.

Oh... That makes sense. So I guess Gallows Manor is officially our home now.

"Right... Well the thought is nice, but I'm afraid something has come up." I tell him, placing the bear down carefully on the bear. When Connor raised an eyebrow I told that this bear was delicate and needed to be treated with respect, equal to that of a human.

He rolls his eyes with a small smirk. He sat up and yawns a little. "Alright, so what's up?" he asks calmly. I feel a little more at ease by just hearing it.

"That girl, Hannah. I don't like her."

"Oooooo Someone's jealous!" Connor teases with a small laugh.

"Yeah right. That's not the problem. She has evil in her. I can feel it. Something doesn't seem right with her. I've been getting my nerves worked up about it since I woke up."

"As much as I want you to admit you're jealous, you're right." Connor sighs. "Honestly, it's been strange for the past couple of months. No witches have been spotted since you went away. As soon as she stepped into the room, I could sense something off about her. I don't know if witch related or not, but it's not something to just slip past. When you woke up, you looked like you knew her. Have you met her before?"

"I saw her while I was sleeping," I answer.

"You sure it was her you saw?"

"I'm positive, Connor. And I know she's going to do bad things. In the coma, I saw her standing over Kid's body. He wasn't dead... But he was about to be."

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