Ep. 7- The New Brave New World

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            Mickayla stared in awe.  They stood in a field outside of a futuristic city that reminded her of Tomorrowland.  The tall skyscrapers reached up into sun, glistening as they towered over the city, and she could see the small aircrafts and high-speed trains, whizzing about.  It was magnificent.

            "Welcome, Mickey, to the New Brave New World.  Not to be confused with New Earth.  That's not for another, say, five-hundred-thousand years.  I was thinking we could just stroll around a while, looking at the little shops; I like little shops.  Then, maybe we could get some dinner, just you and me.  Whadda you say?"

            "So, what?  Like a date?"  Mickayla looked over the Doctor now, smirking playfully.  However, something inside her, which she overlooked, lit up at the thought.  The Doctor's voice cracked as he sputtered.

            "Well, yeah, it's like a date.  But it's not.  It's not a date- a not-date."

            "Well, a not-date sounds like fun to me."

           She laughed at his blush.  He took her hand as they walked down into the city.  They perused the wide streets, admiring the open-air vendors and the transport which didn't need to touch the ground.  There wasn't any smog, just hundreds of gleaming skyscrapers.  The Doctor grabbed a newspaper.

            "They still make those?"  Mickayla asked, reading over his shoulder.

            "It was the Referendum of '98- should they discontinue the newspaper.  They were outvoted seven to one.  They'd become tradition for most people."  He flipped through the pages, "Hm, what a shame."  

            "What is it?"

            "Murders and robberies.  The New Brave New World may be good, but it's not perfect."

             "Thank goodness."  Mickayla said, and they laughed as they remembered their last trip to a perfect planet.

            "Aha!"  The Doctor nicked a flower from a stand while the vendor had his back turned.  A single pink carnation, which he handed to her,  "I believe you said these were your favorites."

             "Aw, thank you."

            She tried to hide her blush that was as pink as the flower petals.  Suddenly, they stopped dead in their tracks as a group of individuals burst from the Jeweler's in front of the Doctor and Mickayla with a crash, screams from inside following them as they ran.  The burglars made off with sacks of merchandise; gold, silver, jewels, all things that shone.  They ran off up the street, passing the Doctor and Mickayla, shoving her sideways as they did.  Without so much as a word, she and the Doctor gave chase.  for the sake of the situation, she tried to hide her smile, but this was rather turning out to be an excellent not-date. They turned the corner and nearly smacked into the brick wall that went halfway up the alley.  The thieves had vanished.

            "Where did they go?  They can't have gotten far... oh, they're clever."  The Doctor said, a tone of admiration in his voice.

             They left the alley, and the Doctor steered them into the first store they came across.  Something called Info Booth; a tech store.  They walked up to the cashier, Mickayla twisting where she stood to try and see all the futuristic gadgets.

            "How can I help ya?"  The cashier, a plump blonde who didn't look like she knew how to set the time on an oven clock, welcomed them.

            "What can you tell us about the robberies and murders that've been happening?"  The Doctor asked.

            "Started about six months ago.  Can I interest you in an E-com?  They're a hot seller."

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