Ep. 3- Jailhouse Blues

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           They stood in silence, Mickayla at the doors, the Doctor in front of her as she faced him.  One adventure is all they agreed, and one adventure is what she'd gotten.  Now it was time for her to return to her commitments and responsibilities.

            "You could stay, if you'd like."  The Doctor offered tentatively.

            "Nah.  I've got school, and  job.  Part-time at the library downtown.  And my family would never forgive me if I ran away."  She laughed a little."

            "Quite right..."

            Mickayla stepped out now, into the flower garden at the home she lived in.  The Doctor followed her out, seeing her to the door.


            "Mum?"  Her own mother stepped out of the house she rented from. "What are you-?"

            "When you didn't come for our Saturday dinner I tried to call but you didn't answer.  So, I thought I'd see if you'd made it back.  Who's this, then?"  She asked, looking past her daughter to the new man.

             "Oh, I was just making sure she got home alright."  The Doctor said carefully, not wanting to start a domestic.

            "Well, then, I'll see you tonight?"  She asked Mickayla.

            "Sure."  She gave Mickayla a kiss on the cheek before driving off in her car.  The door to the house opened again.  Donny stepped out this time.

             "Mickey, you're back!  Where did you go?  It's not like you to stay out all night.  In fact, I have a hard time getting you to stay out past nine."

             "I was just... with- a friend."  Mickayla stammered, not knowing how to explain where exactly she'd been.

            "Oh.  Ohhh!  Gotcha."  Donny gave her a wink, then looked at the Doctor, "I know I told you to get a boyfriend, but I was referring to someone more your age.  Don't you think he's a bit old?"  She asked, not at all watching what she was saying in front of him- Donny didn't have much of a filter.

            "He's not my boyfriend!  Gosh, Donny..."  Donny shook her head and went inside.  The Doctor piped up.

           "I'm just going to go.  Have a nice life, Mickayla Cumber."

           "And you, too.  Take care.  I mean it."  They exchanged a smile and Mickayla followed her friend into the house, trying to ignore the whizzing noise and the breeze that picked up and blew her hair as the TARDIS flew away.

Don't look back.

           She went straight in and up the stairs to her room.  Her laundry basket full of clean clothes awaiting folding sat upon her bed.  Her books on her desk still lay open,  her pencil laying on the floor just below where it had fallen.  Everything was just as it was, like she'd never even left.

Don't look back.

            She got to work on that folding, taking one garment at a time from the basket, sorting them into piles.  She had to busy herself, so maybe ordinary life wouldn't seem so boring.  Mickayla had always been fine with boredom- she thought of it as a luxury.  In her mind, to be bored meant there was nothing to worry about.

             Not even five minutes in, the familiar wheezing filled her room and the wind blew her freshly folded clothes onto the floor.  Mickayla pretended that she was imagining it because she knew if she looked back, she would never move forward.  So she kept folding as the door creaked open behind her.  Don't look back.

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